Sussex Bushcraft group meet for JANUARY 2013: Weekend of 18th/20th


Full Member
Sep 6, 2012
Selsey, West Sussex
It's gonna snow all night I am gonna pull out at the last minute absolutly gutted but I'll be even more annoyed if I sort all my gear and then not go in the morning because its snowed all night.


Full Member
Jul 17, 2005
If the main A27 is bad, then imagine what the road from Lewis Prison to Chailey is going to be like - ummmm, that will be fun:rolleyes:


May 21, 2005
Whereever I lay my Hat
Have fun guys,be careful on them roads,I am so looking forward to getting out again,but still no improvement with the health so cant make it,surprised myself how sane I have stayed being virtually housebound.On the subject of Dumplings,there is a mix you can buy from several well known supermarkets,makes it so much easier.


Full Member
Jul 16, 2009
West Sussex
I will check that link you mentioned Jack. My nose & eyelids have all swollen up so I may not be over, will make a call in the morning.

Edit: The link has been fixed as they have changed their website since we started doing meets
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Simon H

Feb 20, 2008
The Ashdown Forest
Have fun folks! Be surprised if I make it across, Iona's car won't go up or down the hill we're on safely, and there's no heating here atm so I'm a bit fed up with the cold. The pub at the end of my road is amazingly warm however.....

Simon H

Feb 20, 2008
The Ashdown Forest
If I'm honest, I've had a grueling week at work (all demolition before we get to any carpentry), and I just fancy a weekend of my own bed and a bit more comfort. I could walk, it's only a couple of hours away, but I've worked about 70 hours of manual stuff this week and I just don't have the energy. Besides you're not going....


Full Member
Jul 16, 2009
West Sussex
I am going to stay at home as I am not feeling up to driving for an hour each way on snow/ice & am feeling a bit bad after my op. So I am staying in & will be playing with catapaults instead.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Feb 9, 2008
Ubique Quo Fas Et Gloria Ducunt
It was -3c last night JC, but we had the biggest fire of the weekend- glorious!

I had nice warm feet BTW ;)

The snow started about 8am and is still going. The exit road was a bit dodgy but is passable. By the time we had packed away and paid, AndyBB had only just surfaced!

So to sum up, we arrived put up the chute, cut wood, re'hung the chute in the dark after the weight of snow stretched Pete's donation of 1/2mm nylon rope :)lmao:), went to bed about 10.30pm as we were all cream cracked, got up late the next day- earliest was about 7.30am which was Pete 'cause he froze his 'nads off in his thin bag, had lunch, collected LOTS of wood, prepped and cooked a monster venison (fallow half haunch) and beef with 4 cans of beer stew, sat around the fire talking utter drivel, went to bed late, woke up about 7am to hear Rich83 chopping wood as he was woken up by the cold sleeping in his new MCSS AND a bivi bag, had brekkie and then did one by lunch.

So we achieved absolutely nothing but I had a great time. Cheers guys! :You_Rock_

A few photos later. Wet kit to hang up now :( and Jack got stitched up with the chute again. (But he's got the last laugh as he's not going to the Feb meet :p)


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.