Survival is all about a good cup of tea

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An interesting idea but one I think has considerable merit.

There are at least two ways of being lost
- you don't know where you are (not really that uncommon or dangerous)
- you don't know where you are and don't know how to get to a familiar place (basically a total disorientation or a serious goof with the map) not a fun situation, been there and done that and I did not even have tea with me.

On top of Janne's comments on coffee, in Finland the "boiled" coffee is a rough grind and light roast. Coffee is put into boiling water, not boiled for long. Once coffee is added the pot is taken of the heat, some people even add a small amount of cold water to stop boiling, wait a while and drink.
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Thanks to this forum I now pass on this advice to my Cubs and Scouts and it has paid off.
A couple of times they have got lost and remembered to stop and use the opportunity to have a break and reassess things.
Also the advice of not to walk yourself further into danger but back track to the point where you were last confident you knew where you were.
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LOL just readiung through some of this and it is so true , my dad was a 8ugger when i was younger he would leads us on so call pub walks on holiday yup you guessed it the pub was a 5 mile hike lol but we fell for it every time the family us to moan , now to the funny he would wizz off at duble time army speed get ahead hide and pull stunts on us like climbing up a 50ft pine with pockets full of pine cones and being on the blindside was throwing them as we walked down the track lol hitting us to us all going them B squirrels are aiming at us lol then we saw him .
He also once told me if i was to go in the woods alone and get lost stop check what you have on you and if it is a sweet sit down eat the sweet and think of what went wrong to end you there , of if i hada can of drink sit down sip it and wait to see if anyone comes along that you can then follow back to the carpark or safety " BUT ON NO ACCOUNT ONCE LOST KEEP PUSHING ON " funny because many years later we were watching the TV about the army unit on training in borneo that went in the jungle and got lost and kept pushing on that had they stayed where they were would have been found weeks earlier .

I love the idea of a brew kit but then we never leave home without one lol , "THE TRUE BRITISH SPIRIT IS WE MIGHT ALL BE GOING TO DIE BUT LET'S HAVE A BREW"
I possess a Sadler Brown Betty, well, three. This one has the message ‘ delivered by the RN’
Commonwealth merchantmen
We’re bringing these to the US east coast to raise relief funds , and return with FDRs lend lease until the. Joseph Kennedy’s and Charles Lindbergs of isolationism went silent.
When I’ve had a bad spell ( I can wake up at night with one) that pot gets used for a cuppa brewed to my great grandmother’s dictums.
I can so relate to this.
The only time I've ever felt really cold and uncomfortable when stuck out in the snow were the times I didn't have any way of melting snow for a drink, mainly due to me staying too long in the pub before heading out to my back country camp.
Richard...err don't know what Tescos ones are like - standard "takeaway" containers work great though - also keep the foil lined lid as they boil quicker with a lid on. I generally throw in Esbit blocks as they are sealed up and hexy stinks. Can cost as much as 50p :D. With a little practice, the brew kit, matches and fuel can be folded up into the foil container. Balance the foil on a tripod of stones et voila! Still working on a fold flat mug though - anyone help with that?

My favourite for many years and still using it, is a sweetcorn tin with 2 layers of cloth tape on just the bit you drink from, + some form of esbit/hexy stove or another sweetcorn tin split down the side with the bottom mostly cut out and some extra holes for air. Why sweetcorn? - Because it fits over the end of a sigg water bottle, and you keep the teabags in the tin under the Sigg. (The split tin stove one rolls a bit to fit inside the cup tin). This boil in the tin cup lasts ages and I love it.
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