Well said Scrivyinteresting read >If things go wrong a cup of tea and a fag Stops you from panic makes you think BUT its like all situations STOP AND THINK it dont have to be Bush craft stuff same rules apply
Well said Scrivyinteresting read >If things go wrong a cup of tea and a fag Stops you from panic makes you think BUT its like all situations STOP AND THINK it dont have to be Bush craft stuff same rules apply
My favourite for many years and still using it, is a sweetcorn tin with 2 layers of cloth tape on just the bit you drink from, + some form of esbit/hexy stove or another sweetcorn tin split down the side with the bottom mostly cut out and some extra holes for air. Why sweetcorn? - Because it fits over the end of a sigg water bottle, and you keep the teabags in the tin under the Sigg. (The split tin stove one rolls a bit to fit inside the cup tin). This boil in the tin cup lasts ages and I love it.Richard...err don't know what Tescos ones are like - standard "takeaway" containers work great though - also keep the foil lined lid as they boil quicker with a lid on. I generally throw in Esbit blocks as they are sealed up and hexy stinks. Can cost as much as 50p. With a little practice, the brew kit, matches and fuel can be folded up into the foil container. Balance the foil on a tripod of stones et voila! Still working on a fold flat mug though - anyone help with that?