Straight razor first shave: OWW!


Dec 18, 2008
Used a straight razor for years then I grew a beard. Best shave ever though, my grandfather used a straight razor also, he was blind never seen him with a cut or an abrasion.
Keep it `razor` sharp, go easy, good soap, enjoy.


Oct 10, 2015
I generally use a shavette. There's a lot of snobbishness about straights and even blades, but I got 100 derby blades from amazon with a free tube of shaving cream for under a fiver and they give a decent shave. Split in half thats 200 blades. They usually start to tug on the 4th shave so since I only shave about twice a week, thats me sorted for about 8 years!

What I really want to do though is make my own shaving set. I don't really like the folding handles on most straights so I have plans for a kamisori style straight, set in an antler tine with a good knot of badger set into a complementing coronet or capped bar....


Jun 24, 2012
Angus, Scotland
As with most things, it comes down to technique. I used to frequent a few shaving forums - those guys are very serious about their shaving. While the consensus seemed to be that modern multi-blades were more user friendly, or rather, had a shallower learning curve, they did tend to cause razor burn (as opposed to cuts) and their blades are extremely expensive. The forum seemed to be of the view that the multiblade was essentially perfected with the Gillette Sensor Excel and ever since razor manufacturers have just been pulling your leg with marketing spiel. The shaving enthusiasts were unanimous that a good double edge or straight, used correctly, can achieve the same or better shave as a multiblade with less irritation.

I've more or less given up on shaving, but when I do (usually just tidying the cheeks these days) I use a 1963 Gillette Slim adjustable razor loaded with Israeli Crystal Super Platinum blades and lathered with Tabac shaving soap and a boar brush. I've had no problems whatsoever with this arrangement and get a good shave every time.


Full Member
Jan 11, 2013
Well, I'm still persevering on and off. Don't have time every morning to straight shave so I'm using the Gillette mach3s most days.
My cut throat technique is still iffy to say the least. One day I'll make a good job then next time it'll be a poor shave but I know immediately it was down to my technique: either rushing or just not paying attention.
I did cut myself twice last Saturday, both below my left sideburn on my cheek. It was with a new razor blade and I think I just didn't handle it with enough care or respect.
But those weren't bad cuts and have healed up now so will have another go tomorrow.
But what I have learned about preparation and care through my straight razor adventures so far is also standing me in good stead with my cartridge razor shaves. I'm getting much closer and some really good results with that; much better than before.
Am still using the canned foam but working it well into the beard now. Much nicer. But using the foam with a brush tends to kill the foaming entirely. Still works, though. And I have yet to look into traditional soaps: maybe one for the Christmas list!
I'm sticking at the straight shaving though. If I get good enough and have the time I will move to the shavette full time and then consider buying a traditional straight razor.
Oh, and my wife has banned me from growing handlebars for Movember. I sported a tache for 25 years and she laughed her head off when I did shave it off but now she doesn't want it back again - ho hum.
Keep your advice coming,please...


Nov 4, 2015
I got fed up with blunt disposable razors, and tried my first go with a straight razor. It went great. Not one cut, and feels lovely. My background with knives may have made it easier for me though.
Nov 15, 2015
Totally alien to bush craft but........ get an electric shaver, one charge can last almost a month, just think no need for a mirror, shaving foam or Alum, hey could even shave whilst walking along !



Nov 4, 2015
Totally alien to bush craft but........ get an electric shaver, one charge can last almost a month, just think no need for a mirror, shaving foam or Alum, hey could even shave whilst walking along !


Problem being that for a lot of men, unless you spend hundreds of pounds, electric shavers don't work for diddly. I asked for one for christmas, got one, a nice phillips model, the best it can do is leave me with thick stubble. Not to mention it is almost guaranteed to break. I spent a goodly sum of money on a Thiers Issard, and so long as i take care of it, it will last a lifetime and more. I'd much rather take the time and have a good shave than take the route of a quick hack job :)


Apr 16, 2009
Totally alien to bush craft but........ get an electric shaver, one charge can last almost a month, just think no need for a mirror, shaving foam or Alum, hey could even shave whilst walking along !


Nope. There's no way an electric can shave properly, the blades can't touch the skin, they have to have a foil.

After many years, I've settled on a decent double edge (Bluebeards Revenge) and Gillette Silver Blue blades. Soap of choice is Arko rubbed direct into the bristles and then brushed to a thick cushion of lather.

A years worth of good shaves for under a tenner, no way I'd use an expensive and polluting cartridge again.


Full Member
May 27, 2008
Nope. There's no way an electric can shave properly, the blades can't touch the skin, they have to have a foil.

After many years, I've settled on a decent double edge (Bluebeards Revenge) and Gillette Silver Blue blades. Soap of choice is Arko rubbed direct into the bristles and then brushed to a thick cushion of lather.

A years worth of good shaves for under a tenner, no way I'd use an expensive and polluting cartridge again.

What Rich said :)

Currently alternating Gillette Fatboy, Futur and Mergress adjustable razors with Shark Super Stainless and Super-Max Platinum blades. Tabac stick and Cella soap are favourite flavours, though must break out that last stick of Arko again soon.

Tried all the top end electric and cartridge razors over the years, putting up with sub-standard results, rashes and irritation, and silly costs for way too long !

No going back once you've done it "properly", nothing else will do :)

Cheers, Paul


Apr 16, 2009
What Rich said :)

Currently alternating Gillette Fatboy, Futur and Mergress adjustable razors with Shark Super Stainless and Super-Max Platinum blades. Tabac stick and Cella soap are favourite flavours, though must break out that last stick of Arko again soon.

Tried all the top end electric and cartridge razors over the years, putting up with sub-standard results, rashes and irritation, and silly costs for way too long !

No going back once you've done it "properly", nothing else will do :)

Cheers, Paul

Duru Lemon Cologne is pretty good too. Cheap on Amazon at £4.99 for 500ml.

I've got way too much Arko, thought I'd bought 2 sticks at £7.49, I'd actually ordered 12. I'd do a freebie for all, but I checked the postage and it's £2.80 per stick so not really viable.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jan 25, 2011
North Yorkshire, UK
Nope. There's no way an electric can shave properly, the blades can't touch the skin, they have to have a foil.

After many years, I've settled on a decent double edge (Bluebeards Revenge) and Gillette Silver Blue blades. Soap of choice is Arko rubbed direct into the bristles and then brushed to a thick cushion of lather.

A years worth of good shaves for under a tenner, no way I'd use an expensive and polluting cartridge again.
I have to agree with this as well. I'm using double-edge razor and brush I bought when I was 15, with feather blades. Bought prob 2 year's supply of blades for £25.


Sent off - Not allowed to play
Feb 10, 2016
Grand Cayman, Norway, Sweden
I had a period of craziness where I used a straight razor. I bought "the works", a proper Solingen razor, badger hair brush, silver cup, soap, strap. Plus that white cristalline block. Once I learned how to use it - best shave ever!
I did it for about 5 years.
Before I used a Phillips rotary 2 blader. After the straight razor I bought a Braun with oscillating blade. When it broke I went back to Phillips rotary, this time a 3 Blades. First one broke within 12 months (Made in China) the last one ( Dutch made) is still perfect after 6 years!
By far not as close and perfect shave as with the razor, but quick and I can use it dry while doing the business on the toilet in the mornings!


Nov 10, 2015
United Kingdom
Honestly most of the time I just use a beard trimmer, but when I do shave (job interview, funeral... that's about it) I've got a cheap DE razor with some feather blades, brush and arko soap. The brush and soap are probably the best things about it, really make a difference no matter what you're using - modern shaving foam that comes in a can doesn't do squat. But it's still a noticeably better shave compared to disposables or three blade systems I've used in the past. That said, I've probably used it on my legs more often than my face (I do a lot of running/cycling)...

rancid badger

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Stop farting about and get a good razor


Genuinely laughing out loud sitting here Rik!! :You_Rock_

I've not bothered even looking at this thread before now, nor would I ever normally but something just tempted me and thanks to your straight forward, common sense, no nonsense approach ( it seems to most things actually! ;)) , I've been well and truly tickled!:)

Rik's absolutely right boys, there's a reason that the likes of the Fusion has overtaken the old safety razors and cut throat jobbies:-the old ones were and still are shxxe! Blxxdy he:censored: man! even the cheapest plastic, 10 for a quid offerings, are better than pretty much any old fashioned razor. :surrender:

I myself use the above tool and have done since they came out, when I was presented with one for a stocking filler and I can confidently state: It's excellent.

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Oct 10, 2013
I also only use a double edge safety razor. I have a beard, so usually only shave my neck and trim the edges on the cheeks and upper lip.
When out in the sticks I use a similar model travel razor like the one below. Razor, and a couple of blades in a package smaller than a box of matches. Beat that! For soap I use the same rich bar of soap I use for washing.


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