Stainless Steel Firebox/Barbecue

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Jun 24, 2012
Angus, Scotland
This item has now been swapped, although I could make more if people show interest.

A couple of years ago I designed a stove which I hoped would be useful in crisis relief. It could be shipped flat, assembled on-site and then distributed. After approaching several charities and aid agencies, nothing came of that and I took to selling the ones I had made on ebay. When I was selling them I charged £35 posted, which just about covered the cost of production in a small run. I've no interest in ripping anyone off, so I'd like to keep the trade items within this ballpark figure in terms of value.

This is my last assembled stove (apart from my personal one). It has never been used. They have been laser cut from stainless steel, deburred by hand and then locked into their final configuration by permanently bending metal tabs on the bottom. They do not break apart once they are assembled.

They will burn pretty much anything. I personally have successfully run them on wood, charcoal, peat and house coal. They do not scorch the ground underneath, but are large enough that you get the feel of a campfire.

In trade for this I would be interested in one of the following:

- Condor (or other carbon steel) full tang knife suitable for battoning

- Mora 163 Crook knife (the kind with the shallower bend)

- Mora 220 Wood Splitting Knife

- Any decent carbon steel hatchet of equivalent value.

Or I would consider the following combos:

- Opinel No. 12 Folding Saw + Lightweight Tarp (a cheap one obviously!)


- Opinel No. 12 Folding Saw + 10m or more paracord (of a gauge suitable for a basha)

Alternatively feel free to make me an offer.

Obviously first accepted offer wins. If I get a lot of interest for this item, I'll look at setting up a "maker" account (or whatever is appropriate according to mods). I still have the components for several more stoves lying unassembled. If you don't get this item but would have liked it, PM me so I can see if there is interest.




Mess tin not included!

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Hi Wook

i dont think i have any of the items you are looking for but would love one of these - PM on its way with alternative offers should you make others

i'm sure you will be flooded with offers very soon

It's not lightweight - certainly not a backpacking stove. It is too large for that in any case.

It was intended to be a more fuel-efficient substitute for a family campfire, not necessarily ultra-portable. In the UK I see it as having a use as a car-camping stove, sea-fishing stove, barbecue - that kind of thing.

I have used it with great success to have a campfire at campsites which don't allow campfires. If you build it inside the firebox, no one bats an eye.

If you need specific weights I can weigh it tomorrow. For now I'd guesstimate 1 and a half bags of sugar?

EDIT - Actually I was pretty close, it weighs just over 1.5 kilos with the grill on.
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I really like that stove.
Anything on my for sale thread you fancy? Some nice knives
on there.I have a decent tarp too.
Cheers , Simon
Thanks for going to the trouble of weighing it
It looks ideal for a canoe trip stove but I don't really do enough of that, I am sure you will get a good trade on this from someone who can put it to good use


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.