With the coating burnt off the spade it can be used for cooking on and eating from.
Can you cook fried eggs on a digging stick. Many uses from one little light spade.
Isn't that what most call the Spetsnaz throwing shovel? One of the better designs of a range of weird unarmed combat weapons like the 4 shot .22 combat knife or spring launched knife blade.
Cold steel were making them I think. Not sure if there cheap though.
I wouldnt go to the bother of putting an edge on something then going digging with it.
Ill stick to my folding entrenching tool.
I used to work at a paintball site and used mine for felling a few minor dead trees and digging an MG nest and a small section of trench!
This is the real reason why the Soviet Armed Forces never dared to attack this country! (o:
How tough are they? Im thinking of getting one off rusmilitary.com. Apparently the cold steel one is only 2mm thick
Mine's pretty rugged, in fairness, it's just as good as any other trenching tool out there!
Personally, I chose mine as I prefer fixed handled tools to folding ones. The blade/head is 2mm thick and the shovel has a total length of 50cm.
Contrary to popular belief, Russian military kit IS really hard wearing!