It is said that Sir Robert Newton's observation of an Apple falling from a tree prompted his investigations into the force of gravity. The power of steam to lift the lid of a boiling kettle also set James Watt on his way to improving the inefficient steam engines already in existence.
Yesterday evening I too experienced a revelation. During a particularly boisterous meal time, a hammered blow on the edge of a plate of Spaghetti letters by my 13 month old Great Grandson's pudgy fist will send the letters H, T and O nearly 3 feet further than the letters E and K.
Most of the other letters tended to deform on impact and were difficult to identify, although, and I haven't had a chance to investigate the cause yet, the letter S appears to cling to his hair remarkably well.
For the record the letter X is the least ballistically efficient having failed in all cases to clear the edge of the high chair tray. I shall submit a Paper to the Royal Society on Spaghetti Ballistics and their impact effects on infants and surrounding domestic furniture..
Yesterday evening I too experienced a revelation. During a particularly boisterous meal time, a hammered blow on the edge of a plate of Spaghetti letters by my 13 month old Great Grandson's pudgy fist will send the letters H, T and O nearly 3 feet further than the letters E and K.
Most of the other letters tended to deform on impact and were difficult to identify, although, and I haven't had a chance to investigate the cause yet, the letter S appears to cling to his hair remarkably well.
For the record the letter X is the least ballistically efficient having failed in all cases to clear the edge of the high chair tray. I shall submit a Paper to the Royal Society on Spaghetti Ballistics and their impact effects on infants and surrounding domestic furniture..