TomTom, I think I understand your question, the Revolver series of three different models weighs between 6 and 10 ounces with kydex or leather sheaths. I prefer carrying the Revolver in any combination of models over any standard straight knife on the market.
The reason is simple, I can do more with my Revolver than I can with any straight knife I have ever carried because of the saw hidden in the handle. I don't even think twice about this proposal because I have done almost everything imaginable with my Revolver in the woods.
Please don't misunderstand, I love a good quality straight knife, and they too have a very useful role in outdoor situations. I am just saying I don't need a folding saw anymore, I have one hidden in the handle that will cut hardwood or bone. I do use a small hand ax for heavy finish up chopping, but I use the Revolver to drop any trees or limbs I need because it cuts so fast.
I grew up in the Tennessee mountains using an old german straight knife in the woods, and I still can't believe how well the Revolver works compared to it. I have made shelters, cut fire wood (Dead trees, drop with one cut and feed to the fire), tent pegs and a multitude of other task with the Revolver that my old straight knife just could not do.
The Revolver should be compared to any medium sized straight knife with a blade of almost 5 inches. But the unique part is when I need a pole cut with a precision clean cut, I can push a button hidden in the handle and almost as quick as a blink, I can lock in a saw that will make that precision cut, and then holster with the saw or blade locked in the out position.
It is just an extra tool for outdoor use, that is amazing because it appears to be a standard straight knife, able to do what any straight knife in it's size range can do, except it will surpass this ability by being able to cut trees, limbs or bone with a saw.
This knife will fool you, it seems too easy, but it works smooth as silk, and is made very well. I thank you for giving me a chance to at least explain a little of how it works, I hope I answered your questions.
Robbie Roberson. :wave: