No guesses
4 and 5 are the same animal.
No 6: JonathanD would like that one.
I'll try get a better picture for 1 tomorrow.
2 is baboon--a baboon track had me confused for ages. Looked strangely like a leopard when I missed the thumb print
3 is klipspringer---very tough and I never would have gotten it only for the guides (not fair calling them guides, they were doing research really)
4 and 5 are aardvark--great track too in number 5, I was very happy to see it!
6 was already correctly guessed
7--the tree one--thats the rear foot claw marks made by a leopard--scary! The wood over there is hard too.
1--im gonna have to find a better picture so I can be sure, big track is elephant with wither a leopard or hyhena passing later