It seems to me that in the last few months sales on the forum for all sorts of stuff have been slower than usual. There seem to be more than usual threads where folk are bumping and lowering prices and still getting no interest. I used to reckon that a new-ish item in very good condition could be 75% of original price, and things sold at that. Lately I have seen stuff sitting for quite some time and not selling till the price goes down to 50%, and sometimes doesn't sell even then. Wondering if others have noticed it too and what thoughts are about cause and duration?
Is there less disposable cash, concerns about higher costs to come dampening spending, or just fewer people frequenting the forum? Or have we all reached peak-gear-capacity and don't have room at home for any more stuff?!?
Is there less disposable cash, concerns about higher costs to come dampening spending, or just fewer people frequenting the forum? Or have we all reached peak-gear-capacity and don't have room at home for any more stuff?!?