Sloe gin recipe


Bushcrafter through and through
Oct 13, 2005
The banks of the Deveron.
That recipe looks good and your idea of misxing it with tonic sounds fantastic.

I personally add about half again as much sugar and as many sloes, but that's me.

I have three kilos of sloes and several bottles of vodka - for the first batch. Can't wait to get cracking.

Everyone here should have a go - it's easy and delicious. Makes superb gifts for those, like me, who are broke.

Richie O

Full Member
Jan 10, 2007
Harold Wood, Essex
When are sloes normally ready, and how do you tell? I have a big bush near my house that i want to use this year.

Traditionally they are ready to use after the first frost, although you can pick them around mid november (around here anyway) and freeze them for a couple of days to achieve the same result :)


Full Member
Jan 7, 2004
Round here they will be ready in a month or so, in the freezer overnight if we havn't had a decent frost by then.
My recipe is 3 bottles of gin or vodka (the cheap lidl 40% abv vodka works well) 2lb of sloes, 1lb of sugar. Stick it all in a demijon and give it a good shake, then shake it daily for the next 6 weeks, after that shake it once a week (or when you remember) till it is time to strain and bottle it. I leave the booze in with fruit till at least the following easter and in fact only bottled last years batch this weekend and the extra time has been well worth it! You can drink it as soon as you bottle it but it will improve with keeping, 6 months or so is the minimum I try to leave it and I opened a 4 year old bottle a few weeks ago that was fantastic!
Just been out picking and I'm glad I did, as over here they're starting to shrivel and drop off!.. Also somebody has been out to the bushes I normally pick from and done a good job of taking most within an arms reach. I did however manage to get 3 lbs or so in a couple of hours foraging so i'm off to start preping this crimson bounty!

(PS guys, I'd advise you to check every few days from now on, they seem to be ripening faster than previous years.)


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