On offer, so far
Fire by friction, hand drill and bow drill
Bone and Antler working
Fish hooks, etc.,
Containers from Hogweed,
diy bush shirts
Books for a looksee, read.
Usual barter table
Sales table
Tension trays
Trapping, legalities, suitable equipment, methods and the beasts intended
List amended.
Sorry Mary i could'nt resist.
Cheers Stuart.
Fire by friction, hand drill and bow drill
Bone and Antler working
Fish hooks, etc.,
Containers from Hogweed,
diy bush shirts
Books for a looksee, read.
Usual barter table
Sales table
Tension trays
Trapping, legalities, suitable equipment, methods and the beasts intended
List amended.
Sorry Mary i could'nt resist.
Cheers Stuart.
Last edited: