----While working in the A&E, it is always worth a laugh to see what crap people put on burns. I have seen just about everything. The only benefit from cremes, lard, mud, grease, ointments, butter, gauze (ouch!), or anything else put on a burn is whether it cools it down. Just water will do the trick best and it will keep you from having a medic scrub out whatever crap you decide to put into a burn.
Gauze dressing is probably the worst. The only thing we can do is soak it for awhile and then yank........ sucks.....
hello, (Ditto) I was reading this with interest. I was taught First Aid both Military/Civie many years ago till date & as always
just plain old water does the trick as in A&E they have to clean up the wound first as said which can cause some delay in treatment.
Valid point.