Should We Eat Meat?

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"...Aren´t gorillas cannibals to?..."

Mountain Gorillas, the example I gave, no, probably not, that is not to say that they don't end up with the odd Hannibal Lector type just like us.

However as far as meat eating goes, no not really, if they stumble across a recently dead animal they might, they might even kill a very small animal that stumbled by, but probably not.

There were studies carried out by the Jane Goodall institute and those did suggest that they might very occasionally tuck into something if the opportunity arose, but the study was inconclusive and more work/study is needed.

So, in conclusion, they are built to eat meat, but they don't. Chimpanzees on the other hand are up for it.
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Mountain Gorillas, the example I gave, no, probably not, that is not to say that they don't end up with the odd Hannibal Lector type just like us.

However as far as meat eating goes, no not really, if they stumble across a recently dead animal they might, they might even kill a very small animal that stumbled by, but probably not.

There were studies carried out by the Jane Goodall institute and those did suggest that they might very occasionally tuck into something if the opportunity arose, but the study was inconclusive and more work/study is needed.

So, in conclusion, they are built to eat meat, but they don't. Chimpanzees on the other hand are up for it.

Looks like you may be right. When I started searching for that documentary I found this about chimpanzees instead. WARNING---GRAPHIC!!!!!
Are you talking about me?

Is who talking about you? Or do you mean the conversation in general? If you mean Leiflet I think he's a veggy too and was talking about himself. And I don't think Sandbender thinks you are a gorilla!:) He's a nice lad, so saying I think it would be cool to be a gorilla.

Looks like you may be right. When I started searching for that documentary I found this about chimpanzees instead. WARNING---GRAPHIC!!!!!

I have seen that footage and it is quite graphic 'red in tooth and claw' indeed. I think the whole 'planning' stage before they set out made it a little more shocking to most. When I watched it I couldn't help but think "that was us once".

"...And I don't think Sandbender thinks you are a gorilla!..."

I would just like to say that I am accusing no-one here of being a gorilla. :)
Feel free to accuse me of being a gorilla. It would, of course, be a great disservice to gorilla-kind.

We shouldn't eat meat for health reasons, at least according to Carl Lewis, greatest athlete ever, he says he has never felt healthier since becoming a vegan.You can survive on it, and eat it rather than starving, but there is alot of evidence leaning away from consumption of animal proetin. It is thought saturated animal fat not only clogs your arteries, but the body is actually aged by it faster by animal proetin, the cells in your body grow older quicker. Communities in japan who's life expectancy is over 100 years are large fish and plant matter eaters, and the japanese live longer overall, due to fish and vegitables. But I think there is a happy medium personally, the japanese don't grow very big, and some proetin is good for you, just don't go on the Atkins diet. As a commedian once said "we don't eat animals because we need to, we eat them because they're tasty"

I'm off for a healthily balanced bacon, mushroom, and tomato sandwich.
We shouldn't eat meat for health reasons, at least according to Carl Lewis, greatest athlete ever, he says he has never felt healthier since becoming a vegan.You can survive on it, and eat it rather than starving, but there is alot of evidence leaning away from consumption of animal proetin. It is thought saturated animal fat not only clogs your arteries, but the body is actually aged by it faster by animal proetin, the cells in your body grow older quicker. Communities in japan who's life expectancy is over 100 years are large fish and plant matter eaters, and the japanese live longer overall, due to fish and vegitables.......

Yes but that's only part of the story; the Japanese not only eat less meat but they only eat about 65% of the Recommended" TOTAL daily caloric intake. And fish is meat (also interesting to note that current recommendations are to limit fish to no more than2 servings per week due to mercury content)
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Yes but that's only part of the story; the Japanese not only eat less meat but they only eat about 65% of the Recommended" TOTAL daily caloric intake. And fish is meat (also interesting to note that current recommendations are to limit fish to no more than2 servings per week due to mercury content)

tell it to carl lewis ! Japanese as I've said are smaller, but also maybe eating less makes your cells age faster, and its not like the japanese die of starvation, which is what happens when you do not eat enough. I shouldn't think any fish that comes from the gulf of mexico or fukushima should be eaten anyway.
tell it to carl lewis ! Japanese as I've said are smaller, but also maybe eating less makes your cells age faster, and its not like the japanese die of starvation, which is what happens when you do not eat enough. I shouldn't think any fish that comes from the gulf of mexico or fukushima should be eaten anyway.

-Actually the recommendations on limiting fish consumption is worldwide. Gulf seafood seems, for the moment, to be the second cleanest (particularly shrimp and shellfish) after Alaska stocks. Oddly (in light of the revelation about the Japanese) the dirtiest appears to be Asian stocks (although that's more bacteriological contamination than mercury) Mostly however it's mainland Asia with the worst. However if you're really worried about contamination in the Gulf, you probably shouldn't eat UK seafood as the Gulfstream comes from there and goes directly to the UK (hence your relatively mild climate for the latitude) And many of the species swimming in it migrate along it or feed on species that do.

-Had to look up who Carl Lewis is. You really think he was the greatest athlete of all time? I would have named Lou Gehrig.

-You may have a point about eating less being beneficial (in fact I think you do and that was my point as well) but I think you meant the reverse of saying that it makes cells age "faster" since it appears to be helping the Japanese live longer.

-Also interesting to note that Japanese diet consists largely of "white" rice which we're also told is bad for us.
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OK, let's all become breatharian. Never met one, but know people who know people who claim to have done it. But then, what would we do about all those foodplant species which wouldn't be able to hack it if we releasedthem into the wild?

just out of intrest, on the japanese theme, they have a taste for fern, leading to elevated digetinal tract instances of cancer. Wierd. N.B. you an american, Santaman, had to look up who Carl Lewis is ? Really ?
Why I don't eat meat (please don't throw hate at me like what usually happens)

-I don't need it to survive.
-Slaughter houses or horribly cruel.
-Animal Cholesterol and clogging arteries isn't needed.
-Protein gets in meat from plants. Either by the animals eating plants, or animals eating animals that eat plants.
-Protein deficiency is almost none-existent for people who eat any food.
-I believe humans are build to eat minimal meat. That's why you will never see a lion getting clogged arteries.

I'd eat meat if I didn't have access to fruit, vegetables, grains, spices ect. But I would only hunt for my own. I'm not anti-meat, but I'm anti-slaughter house. I don't want to be indirectly a part of that travesty.
Having worked in a slaughter house on a number of occasions (not as a staff member) I didn't see anything that was "Horribly cruel" about the process. Maybe you saw a different one to most UK slaughter houses where the rules are very specific about animal welfare.
Slaughter houses kill the animal as humanely as possible, I know there are bad ones, but they are breaking the law, and don't mention halal. Is it not cruel to deprive animals of food and shelter when we turn vast fields into monocultural food baskets? just because the cruelty is subtle and hidden doesn't make it any less cruel. Also the fact that everyone seems to want to live forever clouds the issue on what constitutes healthy eating. As for Carl Lewis saying he feels healthier now he is a vegan, does anyone believe they would know who he is if he had competed on a vegan diet?
Did you know animals like cows do not actually digest grass, the gut of a cow is a bacteria breeding factory that grows bacteria off the eaten grass, and they consume the (proetin) bacteria, thats how cows grow so large off eating grass alone, millions of innocent bacteria. So cows only get a taste of there own blood thirsty murderous medicine. Anyway animals on earth are all used to being eaten, so probably the only cruel thing is killing young animals that don't have much meat on them,and such practices as fwagra

also Its unlikely mankind would have achieved the modern world without eating meat. Even though carbohydrate and proetin have the same calorific value, potatoes have far lower energy content than steak pound for pound. Without proetin and the fat in it, we would have evolved into something like a cow, it is only our ability given by meat eating that enables people like carl lewis to be vagans, Irony,
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just out of intrest, on the japanese theme, they have a taste for fern, leading to elevated digetinal tract instances of cancer. Wierd. N.B. you an american, Santaman, had to look up who Carl Lewis is ? Really ?

It's not like track is a particularly popular sport.
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We wouldn't have evolved into something like a cow without meat. Just like a huge muscle house gorilla didn't evolve into something like a cow.


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