Should We Eat Meat?

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Heh heh! BUT we can live on fruit, veg and grain but not on meat alone. Hence the idea of balanced diets.

The Eskimos in Alaska did pretty well on it until the white man arrived. Granted they did (and still do) have health problems and short life spans, but they did indeed live.
Some days I just don't fancy meat (or even beer) of any kind, don't know why

I must admit I don't see what all the fuss about whether you eat meat or not. It's surely the individuals choice. Yes most folk could do with eating healthier and that would probably include cutting back on the meat. It a bit like the old "Chewin' The Fat" sketches with someone who's "aff the drink" and the others pestering him to "take a drink". In fact when I used to not drink folk would get offended that I wouldn't take one from them, they felt slighted that I wouldn't accept alcohol and say that they "wereny buyi' a soft drink". Some feel the need to justify their own actions by foisting them upon others.

Personally I like it when someone doesn't like say cheese or shellfish as it means more for me.

Oh and I take the occasional drink these days and I'm happy to take offers of one.
It's surely the individuals choice.

Some feel the need to justify their own actions by foisting them upon others.

...and we have a winner!

I do like this forum though as most seem open to debate and discussion. I have found others where militants of one camp or another feel they gave some right to dictate how others live. When we live in the Western World, we all do so at the expense of the planet and the worse off. I am prepared to be lectured by those who have already given away everything they own beyond what is normal for the poorest nations and who live on the average global income with the average global diet. But to do so whilst living far beyond the global mean is rank hypocrisy and not worthy of listening to.

Should we eat meat? The answer is "if we want to, not if we don't want to". Neither confers any ecological or moral superiority and both bring their own problems in land use and management.
Sod the veggie types, I've got shin of beef soaking in wine and in the oven it goes for a long slow casserole, bed of onions, garlic, fresh thyme and carrots served with 'potch' (spud and swede mash) and spring cabbage. If I'd been able to get a couple of pigs trotters they would be added to enrich the gravy :)
We get quite a few veggies on our campsite and if the subject arises I will question their ethics, such comments as, I no longer eat meat because I don't believe in factory farming are shot down with, why didn't you just change to free range organic meat, as for land use I just point to the wooded fields and hedgerows that abound in cattle country. I have no problem with veggies, it's their choice, but there is certainly a large holier than thou and demanding element among them. Coming to a region of France that is famous for beef and asking if there is a vegetarian restaurant near by just winds me up, along with living off pasta and imported foods whilst believing their diet is more ecological than mine. The fact that the majority of veggies that visit us are female makes me think it's probably a trendy girly thing they started at school.
I must admit I don't see what all the fuss about whether you eat meat or not. It's surely the individuals choice. Yes most folk could do with eating healthier and that would probably include cutting back on the meat....

To be perfectly honest eating healthier for most of us would be better stated by "cutting back" without adding the word meat; or any particular dietary item.
as for land use I just point to the wooded fields and hedgerows that abound in cattle country.
Watching Countryfile last week, it was pointed out that cows can spend a great deal of their lives now in sheds. Some never actually going out into a field. This applied to some dairy caws also. It was considered to be easier to manage both diet and individual animals state of health.

I remember in 1994/95/96/97 when I worked as a hedgelayer. Watching contractors rip out the hedgerows. The farmers were paid by the Government to remove internal hedgerows to make bigger fields, for bigger combine harvesters and increased yields. As a agricultural contractor myself I thought the worst development was putting lights on tractors. Ploughing at night was the best method to reduce herbicide application, as the disturbed seedbed would not see daylight and start to germinate. Farming has come along way, but still we push for more. Reducing food waste should be a priority. I buy a lot of my meat when its reduced/sell by date from supermarkets.
To be perfectly honest eating healthier for most of us would be better stated by "cutting back" without adding the word meat; or any particular dietary item.

Indeed. In general, it's sometimes worth pausing to check whether a person has only told you about their personal ethics because you asked. If so, why act like it's them trying to push their views down your throat? Be nice to each other, for heaven''s sake.

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To be perfectly honest eating healthier for most of us would be better stated by "cutting back" without adding the word meat; or any particular dietary item.

Sort of but not really IMHO, its all about balance, eat a bit of everything and more of some if you need it, less if you don't. I'm about 4kg over now and will address that slowly but my blood pressure is good, my cholesterol is good, no diabetes and I'm almost 59 so apart from broken lungs I'm happy; I still have my roguish grin, charm, good looks and skin the envy of many men ten years my younger (and of course my modesty) :cool: Its all about a good balanced diet with a bit of good DNA thrown in.
Sort of but not really IMHO, its all about balance, eat a bit of everything and more of some if you need it, less if you don't. I'm about 4kg over now and will address that slowly but my blood pressure is good, my cholesterol is good, no diabetes and I'm almost 59 so apart from broken lungs I'm happy; I still have my roguish grin, charm, good looks and skin the envy of many men ten years my younger (and of course my modesty) :cool: Its all about a good balanced diet with a bit of good DNA thrown in.

Yeah that's my point too Rik (although unfortunately I'm not so healthy) Balanced diet is key to good health, but most of us (notice I said most, not all) simply eat too much. Not too much "meat" or too much "carbohydrates" but just too much food.
Indeed. In general, it's sometimes worth pausing to check whether a person has only told you about their personal ethics because you asked. If so, why act like it's them trying to push their views down your throat? Be nice to each other, for heaven''s sake.


To be honest the OP was meant as a joke; the same way the maker of the sign meant it. However the debate on the thread has been good so far and as BR said, it's remained quite civil.
To be honest the OP was meant as a joke; the same way the maker of the sign meant it. However the debate on the thread has been good so far and as BR said, it's remained quite civil.

Yeah, I took the OP as a bit tongue in cheek. Just acting out the stereotype of the uptight vegan.:evilangel:



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