Short Three Quarter (3/4) Length Sleeping Mats

I have a 3/4 length thermarest which cost about forty quid about 20 yrs ago. Although its never been a "problem" as such, I have always regretted not getting the full length one. You have to put up with legs dangling (slightly) over end or build-up alternative height at pillow end. I've always felt it was a false economy whether cost or weight. Self-inflating are generally a good combination of low mass and size for the comfort (better than blow-up reeded which are heavy, or roll-up foam, which are bulky)


Dec 8, 2004
Forest of Odes
If you're not sure, and depending on your sleeping set up, you could try sleeping further down on a full length mat to see if you get on with your legs hanging off the end before spending money on a 3/4 size mat?
And you can try the other way. Imho it is nice to put the legs and feet on the mat. I personally don't need a mat under my head. The spine relaxes when the legs are on air-mat.


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