Having worked in Marine research and used Mussels as one of our pollution indicators, they certainly absorb all sorts of stuff, however we've eaten Mussels through the summer months for years with no adverse effects.
I would always suggest to apply common sense with any foraging and this can be applied to coastal areas. Do ask the local fishermen - they will help and look around at the costal environment. Sewer outfalls do have tell tail signs.
We've also found that if there is a real problem in the area, then the local authorities will put up signs in prominent places to warn of the taking of shellfish.
Simply - Be sensible and Safe and Enjoy!!!
Having worked in Marine research and used Mussels as one of our pollution indicators, they certainly absorb all sorts of stuff, however we've eaten Mussels through the summer months for years with no adverse effects.
I would always suggest to apply common sense with any foraging and this can be applied to coastal areas. Do ask the local fishermen - they will help and look around at the costal environment. Sewer outfalls do have tell tail signs.
We've also found that if there is a real problem in the area, then the local authorities will put up signs in prominent places to warn of the taking of shellfish.
Simply - Be sensible and Safe and Enjoy!!!