Sheffield scissor makers marks


On a new journey
Jul 9, 2004
Rossendale, Lancashire
Hi all
yesterday I picked up some 12 inch tailors shears from the flea market in Accy' for a quid with the thought of doing them up as users.

unfortunately I can't put up pics here at the moment as I lack the skill to get this iPad thingy to do anything, pretty much, so I can't illustrate this post.

Anyroad once I got them home ( I was getting funny looks waving them around on the bus...) I had a good look at them and they are older than I'd thought.

First off the blades are hand forged and welded to the handles, also hand forged but from, by the way it's aged differently, a different type of iron/ steel

secondly there's a stamp on it which lacks the ENGLAND you get on such items after 1891 (such a high proportion of scissors did go overseas i can discount it being unmarked as for purely domestic sale) but does have the SHEFFIELD (according to the interweb ) you get after 1830 or 1850, depending on who you believe. Above the SHEFFIELD there's a curiously early looking makers mark of a stylised crown over a inverted heart over T.W . My books are all currently packed up and googling hasn't found a identical mark but in style it's a lot like that of companies registered in the late 18 th century, many of who continued into the 20 th but often with more modern looking marks.

so can any one help with dating this tool, please and identify the maker ? I can e mail fairly low quality pics taken on this thing if that would help?

Only just thought to try them and they are wonderfully sharp despite not feeling very tight/ hard to close.

all the best

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On a new journey
Jul 9, 2004
Rossendale, Lancashire
That's a great PDF, really use full. Thanks!the T.W are really clear, a lot like the one on page 276, with the inverted heart and the crown is a slightly simplified version of the one on 282 for Wright.

I've been looking for a history of scissor making but there's nothing really I depth I've found so far.


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On a new journey
Jul 9, 2004
Rossendale, Lancashire
Finally got my home PC back connected to the interweb!

Heres the scissors


and heres the mark





On a new journey
Jul 9, 2004
Rossendale, Lancashire
Aye they are good ideas, we were at Kelham Island earlier in the year gawping at the part of the Hawley collection they have on display and bought the book (now packed).

While I'm at it I also got this pair at the same time, also for a pound, the blades are single pieces forged and filed with rings bent back and welded on. They are the same size as the first pair. The markings are very faint and I havent managed to get a decent photo. The lowest line is "Shefield" and just legible above that is "Warburton", there is something above that but it is completely unreadable. From a bit of googling showed me that theres a area of Shefield called Warburton and there have been various cutlers of that name.


Anyroad today for the princely sum of 2 quid a aquired a nearly unused old pair of 9.5" Norwill and Sons shears, a quick rub with a brown Garrrryflex block and they are as good as new.


The 1/8th" letter stamps were 6 quid and looking closely at them only a couple have even been struck even once. I'm a sucker for UK made tools on flea markets,

I'll get my coat



On a new journey
Jul 9, 2004
Rossendale, Lancashire

As i was putting them away I took a pic of whats in my sewing box, only one large pair was bought at full wack (and by the wife before we wed and were unused when i liberated them from where they were languishing) and a couple of the smaller ones, which now I think about it where in a closing down sale anyway.


I'm a sucker for Sheffield steel, although saying that theres a pair of Wiss in there and a couple of the smaller ones are German and one lovely sharp small pair with plastic handles is Japenese.

You should see the file, saws etc i've aquired and done up over the years, wish I knew what I was doing with 'em ;-{D)




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