SFA sheath


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 21, 2005
I decided to make myself a replacement sheath for my SFA as the old one was starting to look a little worse for wear. It was missing a rivet but more importantly I had managed to cut completely through it in one place (bottom right)


This was most likely caused by the way you need to insert the axe into the sheath, you insert the bottom lip into the sheath then ‘rotate’ the top / rest of the head in in an anticlockwise way


I wanted to come up with a sheath where this action was minimised and in the end came up with this…


to overcome the problem you insert the axe as so


and just ‘pull’ it down into the sheath, then fold the flap over and pop the snap closed


I have yet to field test the design but in playing around inside with it it seems to do the job admirably.

It is made from 3.5mm Veg Tanned leather and partially wet moulded to fit the back of the axe snugly. The mottled stain finish was intentional (honest!) and done to match the knife sheath I made a while ago.

(btw the slight rusting on the axe is from the wetmoulding ;) - the clingfilm wasn't as good a seal as I thought it was :( )

British Red

M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Dec 30, 2005
Thats very elegant Graham - I use a smilar design to overcome the same problem - but the design I favour has rwo poppers as there is a wrap over the poll as well.

I really like the lines of yours - thats lovely


rancid badger

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Yes I rather like that, I made a replacement mask for my SFA for exactly the same reasons.
I wasn't as adventurous though, I just opened up the original mask and drew around it:D

I've been pondering making a full size sheath for my wildlife hatchet after seeing one in Al Stohlmans "leather cases-vol 1" but it looks a right faff on:confused:

Something like yours might be a better bet. I'll have to see what occurs:)

Oh btw I'll post a couple of pictures of the columbo leather for you a little bit later;)

best wishes
Steve (R.B.)


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 21, 2005
That is very nice, I do like thw mottled finnish, did you do it by dabbing dye on?

Yup - dab it on in layers with a cotton bud then a single (or more if required) coat over the top.

That one was a couple of layers of saddle tan, a couple of dark brown and a single dark brown layer over the top;)
I Want One!

Very nice work, I'm going to have to make one myself for my Hunter's Axe as mine is starting to get a bit sloppy. Dunno if I'd have the guts to show the finished article on here tho as most of my projects look like the dog gave up chewing on them half way through!

Off to look at leather bits.........


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 21, 2005
Do it weasel! - and lets see the results too:)

My first efforts were nothing special but posting them was the best thing I did as the encouragement and advice i got in return far outweighed the feeling of inadequacy;)


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