Rutland fishing?



hia labrador,i've fished there a few time's it's not cheap day tickets are £12 with a bag of eight fish no catch and release and boat hires £25 but you can split that between you if theres two of you,amazing place though i think it's some 20 odd mile's round it.



Oct 10, 2003
Land of the Angles
I think you'd need to get permission from the Archery Club that use the woods to shoot at their targets too. They have a series of 3d foam targets set up, and they are not cheap, so they may not want non club members using I'm almost certain you'd need to have proper public liability insurance cover for shooting there.............just in case the worst happened.

It is a lovely spot, we had a great time there. There would be a bit of a walk from the site to the Reservoir, but nothing that most folk couldn't handle. In fact on the Peninsular, there are some lovely quiet spots for a bit of angling.

Mike B

Feb 13, 2006
Wakefield West Yorks
Sounds excellent mate depending on dates etc if you could find out the possibility of using our own canoes to fish from that would be even better.Some archery clubs will hire out their facilitys but usually insist that archers have completed a basic skills course first.If we are able to canoe then I'm sure you will get some S.O.T.P. members interested.Also to all Raptor lovers you may get the chance to see wild Ospreys. Mike B...


Oct 10, 2003
Land of the Angles
There's a big chance of seeing the Ospreys. Theere is an old dead Oak at the site which they sometimes use to have their breakfast. Didn't see the Osprey last time I was there, but we did see a Red Kite sitting on it.

I'd be happy to show anyone basic skills/safety if it gets arranged and if I can attend on the date etc, as I shoot the Longbow, though I'm sure we have plenty of experienced archers amongst our ranks.

steve a

Oct 2, 2003
south bedfordshire
Mike B, sorry mate but you will not be allowed to fish from canoes on Rutland, its about three and a half thousand acres of water all told, when the wind whips down the arms and into the bowl even the purpose built fishing boats get called in, the waves can go over six feet, plus its fly only, with the action of casting and retrieving a fly line canoes are not your best bet. If you want to go out in a boat you can hire the motor boats which will accomodate 3 people fishing no problem.
Look at the notice on the lodge boards as these will tell you where fish are being taken from and on which fly. Enjoy


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