Robust wildlife hide

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Full Member
Oct 2, 2017
Hello, I am looking for advice please, I'd like to buy a portable hide for wildlife watching on the west coast of Scotland. I can leave it in situ as long as I want so don't need to set it up on every use, but will want to move it at times. Because of the windswept location it needs to be robust and ideally have midge net/mesh over windows - perhaps that is something I can add later - waterproof would be welcome. Thank you :)
There is a hide advertised by Decathlon which might be suitable, Kirsty.

You could always make it even more robust by just adding tent style guy lines and an extra lightweight tarp over the top.
At least it's portable place to place and would save constructing a natural hide every time you changed location.
Anti Mozzie would probably have to be head net and perhaps a Citronella candle or Mozzie Coil inside.
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Thanks saxonaxe, much appreciated, I will look at that. A tarp over as you suggest it is probably wise.
I might see about attaching midge net over the windows, they are pretty unbearable and it would really increase comfort to be able to exclude them. I was thinking of using velcro but that would be too noisy to open. I suspect scented repellents would alert deer. The first position for it will be overlooking a spot where there were more than 63 red deer hinds and calves at dusk the other evening, making their way down to grassland.
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The first position for it will be overlooking a spot where there were more than 63 red deer hinds and calves at dusk the other evening, making their way down to grassland.
Oh wow!
When your hide is in position and functional; please would you post a picture here.
(Let’s call it a project validation so I’m still on topic :) )
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If the deer can smell your repellent, they can smell you too. So unless your deer are more afraid of bog myrtle than people, I would not worry. Picaradine isn't too smelly, and works.
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Possibly a little out of left field, and definitely very expensive, but fits the robust, midge-net and waterproof aspects.

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