Renting Woodland



I have a fancy to spend weekends in the woods with my son, pursue painting and photography interests, and working on the bushcraft skills.

I don't like the idea of trespassing, I can't afford to buy a few acres of woodland, so what about renting?

Has anyone any experiences of renting woodland that they might share? If so, how much did it cost, what were the pitfalls, what were the restrictions etc.

Any thoughts and observations would be most welcome.

Many thanks

What about the 4th alternative?

1> do it anyway
2> buy a wood
3> rent them
4> get permission to do it somewhere without the need to rent

Can't advise on how to do it, but on the few times I've tried to explain what I do to people they start off frowning and confused until I say the magic words... "like Ray Mears on the telly" - at which point they light up and get very interested.

Otherwise look up "amenity land" (I think) I expect some of that might be woodland and it is, apparently, dirt cheap as you can't develop it. I might be wrong here though as I only heard about it the other day.

Maybe approach local farmers and the likes who have woodland and ask for permission and if that comes to nought, go back and ask about renting. Worth a shot anyway.


Thanks Minotaur and BigShot, Some good suggestions.

Do you know any way of finding out who owns land without shelling out loads of dosh to the Land Registry, or expending copious amounts of shoe leather knocking on doors?



Dec 27, 2006
Bournemouth, Dorset
Last year I simply went door to door and talked to the biggest farm-house in the area. Invariably they didn't own the land, but they knew who did.

After very little effort I managed to arrange a section of woodland for about 10 of us to hold a hog-roast in for my birthday, on the proviso that I gave a sandwich of pork to the land-owner and the bones for her dogs.



We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.