Pruning Saw Sheath and Belt


Mar 26, 2007
A couple of our old friends asked if I could make them some leathergoods.

They have a fairly big cider orchard, and recently had someone round to show them how to prune the trees. The person who showed them how to prune had a leather sheath for his pruning saw, so they asked if I could make a sheath for the saw that they'd just bought. They had to take it away with them, but I took drawings and make a cardboard and wood mock-up of the saw (which I could use when wet-moulding it).

This is what I ended up making. It hangs fairly low but, as the saw is quite long, it needs clearance to be able to draw it from the sheath. Of course it could be worn on the left side, like a sword, and drawn across the body.

It's made from 3.5mm veg-tan, with a welt to give it thickness for the saw blade, and the opening is wet moulded to fit the saw handle. Hand sewn with awl and linen thread, dyed with Fiebings medium brown, deliberately uneven to give a pre-aged look, and finished with Carnauba wax. Double dangler with twin brass poppers for a quick attach to a belt.


Seeing as it was for a cider orchard, I thought it would be good to include a carving of an apple.


Seeing he had a sheath, she wanted one of my oak-bark tanned bridle leather belts, and chose a flat horseshoe buckle. This is made with London Tan colour bridle leather from J & FJ Baker and Sons, the last remaining traditional tannery in England.


I'll deliver them when we go over there in a few weeks' time. Maybe I'll be able to sample some of their cider. :)


Thanks for looking.

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