Proud dad alert!


Nov 29, 2010
Dalarna Sweden
My oldest daughter went out on her first time on a overnight hike with het scoutinggroup "Arkhyttan Baptistscouts".
She left yesterday afternoon, hauling a very full backpack. But first I kind of ceremoniously hung her brandnew scoutscarf around her neck and slid in the scrafslide/tie I made for her. It's a piece of reddeerbone, on of those we found, when we were out last autumn. I found a section that should fit, sawed it off, cleaned and sanded it and inscribed her initials, using a scrimshaw-technique.

Showing off her first badges, which her mom had sewed on...
The tieslide. It has a point/tip on the front top, making slideing it off very easy.
This picture is taken after the hike, hence the scarf being a bit gritty....
This afternoon we went to her camp in order to pick her up. Offcourse no outdooractivity her in Sweden seems to go without grilling at least some saucages, so that is what we did, too.

The handout of this episode's badge
The reason for putting it here? Well, first of all she was out in the forrest for 24 hours. That is longer than I have been for a very long time.... She did see a fox wonder by last night, as she and some of her fellowscouts slept in here, with the previously shown fireplace right in front of it;
one of her "room"mates...
Secondly she did hike in, on her own, carrying that filled backpack and it was a hefty way in, I can assure you! She had had so much fun and radiated that so much, that even our son wants to go, starting with the next season.
But when we did go to pick her up, I noticed she had changed.... She had grown. Little girls grow tall and make dads proud!!


Mar 30, 2011
Athens, Greece
Absolutely fantastic, good on you, your daughter and the organisation goodjob

Really saddens me how my generation have parented so far clingy kids, giving some feedom like like really gives the kids some independence which also works well as being independent they tend to be of the mindset that they're more careful as they themselves will have to get out of any situation they create.

Fantastic stuff, thanks for sharing.


Nov 29, 2010
Dalarna Sweden
Thanks people!
@ Rik; I don't know if there's a difference other than a woggle *which I googled after you used the word) seems to be knotted.
I used "tieslide" because I did not know a better word in English for it. It actually is noting more than a wide ring of bone....

Big Stu 12

Bushcrafter through and through
Jan 7, 2012
Thats great, good to see a little one liking the out door's and see a Dad so Proud... I can relate with that feeling

ex-member Raikey

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 4, 2010
Brilliant stuff!!!

Well done Ron,...obviously she is being brought up well,

her face shows so much enthusiasm,....

your right to be as proud as you are,.....


Aug 28, 2011
That's excellent RonW. Good Work by you and your daughter!

Made me glad to read about...


(But you need to get out more... :naughty: :rolleyes: :p )


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