Preparing for troubled times ahead - Advice on what is needed.....

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@Woody girl

Tbh, we live in the city, but we're not too short on storage space if we use it efficiently...

What I need to do is thin out a lot of stuff, starting with clothing really, I've got so many t shirts that don't fit properly and I've used the "it'll be a t shirt I'll wear if I need to do any painting or mucky jobs" far too many times... What I want to do is check the material, make a small fire on the beach and try and make some char cloth... but alas, time is hard to find.

I've made char cloth on a camp stove, , not indoors tho!
Yes, I know what you mean about clearing out stuff, I have a problem releasing unused things too. I also have a couple of great charity shops that are full of useful things that I could repurpose or use one day!
It's so tempting to fill up with things that I think I want, my worst trait!
clearing out with a mate who can see things differently is a good tip. They can be objective, and tell you that "painting t shirt is realy just so past it, it should go" etc.
You might argue, so make sure it's a good pal!
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@Woody girl

Tbh, we live in the city, but we're not too short on storage space if we use it efficiently...

What I need to do is thin out a lot of stuff, starting with clothing really, I've got so many t shirts that don't fit properly and I've used the "it'll be a t shirt I'll wear if I need to do any painting or mucky jobs" far too many times... What I want to do is check the material, make a small fire on the beach and try and make some char cloth... but alas, time is hard to find.
I hate to tell you, but the lock knit fabric used in t shirts isn‘t much good for char cloth. I have tried several times and to really doesn’t like to catch a spark. What you want are old denim jeans!
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I hate to tell you, but the lock knit fabric used in t shirts isn‘t much good for char cloth. I have tried several times and to really doesn’t like to catch a spark. What you want are old denim jeans!
Best thing I ever found was old light weight linen. Much harder to find than jeans but awesome open weave fuel / air mix
I hate to tell you, but the lock knit fabric used in t shirts isn‘t much good for char cloth. I have tried several times and to really doesn’t like to catch a spark. What you want are old denim jeans!

Good to know really, I can imagine taking a bag full of t shirts to the beach and spending hours of my life not achieving my goal!

I do have a few pairs of jeans which have a gone a bit thin in parts! Might make myself some shorts and use the legs...

....I guess if I made myself some daisy dukes I'd have more material to char... :roflmao:
@Woody girl

We all have unique circumstances so what I or others suggest cannot be taken as universal. However, much of what I said can be of relevance to a majority of people.

Put simply I'm thinking that it's a step process where you look at where you are, look at what is unavoidable expenses and what is a luxury you really don't need or could cut out without a major issue. Then you cut things out and reassess your new situation. Or if you're into management systems PDCA. Plan, Do, Check, Act cycle used in quality circles and other functions too. You cannot take actions without knowing where you're at financially, environmentally, preparedness, etc.

As to lone pensioners I have little experience of that personal circumstances. I did live alone for a long time so I do know about that. I've had the £4 left in the bank and in my pockets with a week to payday while still needing to travel 8 miles to work. I've had situation a few times but I was still able to look at my expenditure for economies. I was still able to reduce activities that cost in favour of ones that doesn't cost that much or nothing. I bet you have gone through that cost reduction process in the past and no doubt are doing it continuously too. That's a positive approach IMHO.

However we all need to find a way of living that works for us. What works for you not me, scottieoutdoors or a anyone else. I do propose the idea that people need to look to your expenditure, habits, etc. To make sure there's little waste or unnecessary. With some that's possibly not going to lead to much improvement because the steps have been done already but that's no reason not to keep checking though.
Good to know really, I can imagine taking a bag full of t shirts to the beach and spending hours of my life not achieving my goal!

I do have a few pairs of jeans which have a gone a bit thin in parts! Might make myself some shorts and use the legs...

....I guess if I made myself some daisy dukes I'd have more material to char... :roflmao:

Careful, a lot of jeans aren't pure cotton anymore :(
I tend to use my old 100% cotton boxer shorts for char cloth. And when I eventually throw them out there's plenty of thin bits of material in them.
Just for clarity what I was more referring to was 'assumed' on an EPC means 'best guess' which also means not Objective.

I'm pleased you have a house you love - I had a Victorian high ceiling draughty house that I loved for the period features. Not thermal. Not modern - but glorious.
Yes it is glorious in its own way. With care and attention with the next phase it will be draught free and contain all the features I have salvaged that aren’t full of worm!

Got to get permission from my wife to fit the Victorian hand pump into the utility room ;)
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Old linen tea towels are excellent. Failing that Ikea sells Aina linen that works fine, or you could buy half a metre on eBay of this kind of stuff

That would keep you going in charcloth for ever :)

Chris is right though, old well washed denims make really good char cloth. The 2:1 twill keeps it sound even when really roasted.
Linen can make a good backing for a bow. If I had jeans weight linen or similar in 36” length or longer (in line with warp or weft), I would save for bow making!

You really want linen like that ? I have pieces that were left over from making achetons and arming caps for filming for the Bannockburn site......if I dig them out, I'll mind and let you know :) Twill woven, undyed and I know it tightens up when boil washed. Pretty sure there's metres of the stuff.
Here, there's a huge market for well-worn and somewhat ripped old blue jeans. All the damage but no work at all to get there.
1.5 legs makes a nice roll for some 15 wood carving gouges.
I watched the prepping videos for years and often wondered when and how it would happen to me. I've percieved a potential threat to my income so I've formally declared my own **** preparations to be activated. Right now it's about mitigating risk by increasing my contingency. So now for example instead of buying apple juice and water it's just water. Takes some getting used to but expecting less and still being nourished is integral to my mindset will be applied to all purchases and life in general. Most of the UK seems unconcerned about the world events. I feel much more comfortable than I did a couple of days ago although it is sad when someone like me has lost trust and confidence in the agencies who purport to help.
I watched the prepping videos for years and often wondered when and how it would happen to me. I've percieved a potential threat to my income so I've formally declared my own **** preparations to be activated. Right now it's about mitigating risk by increasing my contingency. So now for example instead of buying apple juice and water it's just water. Takes some getting used to but expecting less and still being nourished is integral to my mindset will be applied to all purchases and life in general. Most of the UK seems unconcerned about the world events. I feel much more comfortable than I did a couple of days ago although it is sad when someone like me has lost trust and confidence in the agencies who purport to help.

A word of warning I think , I think watching too many prepping videos on some sort of Youtube rabbit hole can also create a bit of an echo chamber in a lot of ways and help support a changed and negative mindset that keeps ones world view askew and somewhat , twisted. And to be honest I've found a lot of Prepper types are drawn to the glass is not only half empty , but I only have one glass type mentality...

That being said - I can't ignore the fact that inflation is going to be a significant issue along with other things and whilst people would have laughed and gawked on this forum and public if someone had uttered the words 'food shortage' a few years ago I think the past events of C-Virus, Ukraine, Inflation ( including the backlog of the GFC ) and potentially ( tin foil hats on only until its proven its not my imagination ) that the W.E.F definitely DOES have plans for some sort of Great Reset hidden under the cloak of 'build-back-better' means we are living through some sort of interesting times.

However... Life is STILL good if you compare it to many other parts of the world - I think what I'm saying is remember to enjoy the moment without fixating too much on a potential future. Its doesn't mean , don't make efforts to mitigate and see those black swan events just remember to enjoy the White ones aswell. :)
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