@Woody girl
Tbh, we live in the city, but we're not too short on storage space if we use it efficiently...
What I need to do is thin out a lot of stuff, starting with clothing really, I've got so many t shirts that don't fit properly and I've used the "it'll be a t shirt I'll wear if I need to do any painting or mucky jobs" far too many times... What I want to do is check the material, make a small fire on the beach and try and make some char cloth... but alas, time is hard to find.
I've made char cloth on a camp stove, , not indoors tho!
Yes, I know what you mean about clearing out stuff, I have a problem releasing unused things too. I also have a couple of great charity shops that are full of useful things that I could repurpose or use one day!
It's so tempting to fill up with things that I think I want, my worst trait!
clearing out with a mate who can see things differently is a good tip. They can be objective, and tell you that "painting t shirt is realy just so past it, it should go" etc.
You might argue, so make sure it's a good pal!