Please don’t think that this is being posted with any sort of aggravation, absolutely no offence is intended. It’s a bit like everyone knows a smoker who lived until they were in their 90’s, it doesn’t mean smoking isn’t extremely bad for you. “We all hear bad things daily” is a huge and sweeping statement that assumes information sources are unbiased and honest. I assure you they are not and we are fed exactly what our governments would like us to believe, should we choose to get our ‘facts’ from unreliable sources.
To think all under 18’s have time and money to play with these things and instead should be studying for uni and exams is absolute pie in the sky piffle. Many, in fact society in general, lacks elders, so these kids are getting their initiation by gang culture, survival of the fittest etc. Very many end up in the penal system where that initiation is continued into adult life. Very many of them also have no consideration of future life skills and education as it simply is not within their grasp or offered.
Personally, I’m also happy that I’m checked and have to sign for a knife and I don’t mind there is a fee for the postage. The law doesn’t apply to sub 3” non-locking folders either, only locking knives and fixed blades. I don’t think it could be fairer to be honest and I kicked up a stink with Amazon over them allowing companies to sell 8” Sabatier chef knives unverified. This is perhaps where the “bad things happening every day” part of your reply begins to make more sense?