This is my post here though I have been lurking for a while. I am from NYC-Connecticut corridor... "Howdy!" 

not very bushcrafty but me just as I amView attachment 9952
That's brilliant.
Not as good as this one though...![]()
A bit more recent.
Not as good as this one though...![]()
A bit more recent.
It's taken on my G10 with a small sensor, depth of field is rarely a problem.
The problem I did have was balancing the exposure between the fire and the lights, so I've had to use two different exposures and carefully blend them together.
I've had to use two different exposures and carefully blend them together.
All the foreground is from the first shot but the sky showing through the trees is from a second, much longer shot to show the Aurora, which is then imported into the first shot as a layer.
The foreground of this layer (Which is heavily over exposed) is masked out and the sky area is selectively blended in using the "lighten" mode on the layers palette and a soft brush on the layer mask.
I hope that makes sense, it's easier in practice than it is to explain but it's the only way to really hope to capture the dynamic range of a scene like this.
^^ and my large shape thing ^^ dirty face -_-
guess where i am XD you never guess BAHAHAH
I see you found Wally and he is in your backpack.