Pole lathes


Apr 29, 2008
Brisbane, Australia
I was out helping at a friends permaculture farm today and she's said she'd be interested in geting a pole lathe going - for me to use! I've found http://www.bodgers.org.uk/index.php and had a look at some plans and I'm sure I can build one with materials on site. However, I've never used a lathe of any sort so I'd like some advice, especially on tools :)

I know I could ask on the bodgers forum (and probably will) but I know this forum and the people here so this is always my first port of call.

What I'd like to learn is how to make a bowl. How hard is it and what sort of tools would I need?


Apr 24, 2006
Caldicot, South Wales
Hello Rafe,

for tools you could try this site, it's tools for self reliance, they refurbish old tools and sell them to help people in Africa.
The tools they sell for wood turning are very reasonably priced too, and no I don't have any affiliation to them, just think they do good work.

I looked at a pole lathe at an event recently in Caerphilly, and may have a go at one myself sometime, put some pictures up if you go ahead and make one, it will be interesting to see.

robin wood

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Oct 29, 2007
Bodgers forum is the place for this really, several of us are here and there but simple answer is spindle turning on a pole lathe (chair legs) is easy and tools easy to buy. Bowls are not so easy, you need hook tools, there is a thread running in the bowlturning section there on where to buy hook tools.


Apr 29, 2008
Brisbane, Australia
I'm waiting for my account there to be validated :)

I'm thinking of trying my hand at making some hooks and if I can scrape the money together going on one of the courses I've seen whilst browsing over there. Fortunately I can browse without validating :) One thing I have picked up is that I'm going to have to revise my lathe plans - I really do want to do bowl turning more than spindles.
Leicestershire County Council's Country Parks Team run courses in green woodworking which includes using a pole lathe. The one day course is just £30.

I went on one and thoroughly enjoyed it, I recommend it - usual disclaimers re: just a satisfied customer.

I hope this is of interest.
Try the woodsmith store for tools, or Ray Isles's web site, he's developed a set of tools with Mike Abbot specifically for use on a pole lathe. I would imagine even for bowl turning that you will need some basic tools other than the hooks.

I started a thread on the bodgers site about where to get the best hook tools and there was a course on bowl turning in York for £120/day for one or £80 each for two people coming along together. I'd be quite interested to share if someone wanted get together on the £80 deal? He also does another day on forging hook tools.


mr dazzler

Aug 28, 2004
I can recomend the Svante Djarv hook tools. They are hand forged in Sweden. They do the job safely, your not worrying if the thing will break on you. (They need to be able to take a fair bit of stress). They are good steel which takes a keen edge. I thought buy good buy once, so I treated myself to the small and large one from maurice at Woodsmith store, about £80 the pair. I just started bowl turning and love it. The tools create a distinctive surface which reminds me of sabian hand hammered cymbals, or hand thrown pottery.....
here are my first attempts at turned bowls, made from chestnut wood




These are the hook tools, aprox 25mm and 10mm


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