I know there's a petition for everything these days and people get sick of signing them but this one is calling on the government to enshrine the UK's new environmental targets (to reverse natural decline in the England by 2030) in law rather than stick to the all talk and no action Tory policies that we've been seeing. This petition is backed by over 50 nature conservation charities (and Boris's own father). This idea has been already debated in parliament and has been voted down by the Tory majority which is very worrying. You can read the full debate here if you're interested https://hansard.parliament.uk/commons/2021-01-26/debates/20CFA026-8E78-4D84-82E4-B4236D826AA4/Environment%20Bill
The government is missing every single environmental target it sets for itself at the moment, tree planting, biodiversity, marine conservation, emissions, water quality, recycling, and it seems like little attention being given and there's no urgency to catch up on them. Hopefully this will go some way towards holding them to account. Please sign and share, every signature is greatly appreciated
https://e-activist.com/page/75310/petition/1?ea.tracking.id=Wild Justice
The government is missing every single environmental target it sets for itself at the moment, tree planting, biodiversity, marine conservation, emissions, water quality, recycling, and it seems like little attention being given and there's no urgency to catch up on them. Hopefully this will go some way towards holding them to account. Please sign and share, every signature is greatly appreciated
https://e-activist.com/page/75310/petition/1?ea.tracking.id=Wild Justice
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