It is just down to personal preferance I guess - I have a number of cameras but the fuji is my 'best'
I used this site - when I was deciding on what to purchase - it was a great help!
Unfortunatly the nikon you are looking at does not appear but there appear to be similar models (probably one is the previous model....?) and the fuji one is the older model but the reviews are pretty helpful I found
Now I am no expert but can explain why I decided on the fuji if you like - it may give you another view!
The best tip I can give from my 'choosing experience' is - read every review you can find then once you have narroew down your choice go out to as many shops as you can find and 'play' with them all (multiple times if poss - it is intimadating in a store at best of times and if you look at the same model in 3 stores for 20 mins thats a full hour in total!