Patrols and Lurkio's Walk and Camp...


Ex member
Jul 28, 2011
My good pal Patrols, said to me i have a few days leave, and fancy coming to Dartmoor for a camp a good walk, some shooting and bushy type stuff, oh and can i bring a mate Lurkio, we will call him as that is what he has been doing on BCUK, for a while now, not anymore when he gets home he has promised to join, anyway if he doesn't he won't get to see the pics.

So we all met up and set up, and played see who can get their tarp the lowest,as the forecast was not good, obviously you can see they had gucci tarps and i just had my plain old dpm one, something they rubbed into me for the duration.

Challenge one, take us on a guided walk, of about 10 miles, taking in some breathtaking scenery, oh and we don't want to drive anywhere, oh and make it circular. so i got my thinking cap on over dinner(rat packs) and a few beers.

Awoke, had a brew and set off, we had not gone but a mile and Patrols, threw up and went a funny shade of green( something he was to do for most of the walk, we initially blamed it on speckled hen and lambs navy rum, but not to be it was dodgy rice from the previous night, anyway with little or no sympathy from Lurkio and myself, he kept going and did not moan once.

Upon our return, poor old Patrols, needed an hour in his doss bag, but awoke a new man and proceeded to eat us out of house and woods, with his new found vigour, we set up some targets shot the hell out of some beer cans and an old primus cannister.

Then made a bow drill set, which Lurkio kept trying with until he collapsed from exhaustion and we put him to bed.

All slept like babies, got up and had an enormous fryup, yum yum, then decided to erect the parachute as the forecast was horrible, it then proceeded to pour down, so the planned manufacture of a bushy type bed was moved to under the chute.

Nothing to do with the constant rain, howling wind and work to be done, i suddenly remembered i had a very important prior engagement, slid home had a lovely hot bath, and decided to write a little account of our trip.

Photos to follow, when my better half comes home from work as i am not very computer literate.

Thanks for reading, and looking at the pics when they are up.

In all seriousness, it was a pleasure to spend some quality time with you guys, and thanks for letting me gate crash your do!



Ex member
Jul 28, 2011
Oh, as luck would have it i finished my little account, just as the missus came home for lunch! What timing, so here they are.

As usual any comments or abuse welcomed, thanks for looking.


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Dec 20, 2011
Thanks for the write up Ivan we both had a great couple of days with you and I am sure Lurkio will be a regular attender to future meets.


Ex member
Jul 28, 2011
Thanks for the comments guys, we had a rare old time, even allowing for a bit of sickiness and the most atrocious weather today,which curtailed some of our planned activities.

Anyone on here is more than welcome, to spend a little quality time with Marmite Grey, as i like to think of myself, the love or hate thing! You only have to PM me and i will sort it out for you (small fee, of course eg. beer and brandy)

Cheers again, for the chance to show off a little of my local knowledge, and spend a great couple of days with two top blokes.



Ex member
Jul 28, 2011
Hi Darren, cheers mate, oh yeah Nutmeg was there alright, came on the walk too, she was fit for nothing upon return.

See pics 1,8 and 12.



We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.