
stuart f

Full Member
Jan 19, 2004
Hawick, Scottish Borders
Hi folks,well i have this weekend off work,and have a family party tonight :beerchug:,so i thought i would get a night out under the stars last night.
I left about 10 yesterday morning after getting my gear together.
It was also a chance to test my Cech army bed roll,that the kids got me for xmas,and to road test my new GB mini hatchet.

Well i got to my spot and gathered wood for my raised bed and fire reflector,plus enough wood to keep me going all night. I just used my tarp as a shelter.

A shot of the reflector and my fire ready to light.

And another but with my pot hanger more in the frame.

A side view of my set up.

And a view to see behind the reflector.

Well it was dark when i lit the fire,which i used to boil the billie.

Later i re-arranged the fire lay,i made a long log fire,and lowered my tarp to catch the heat.
Re-arranged fire.

Well it was comfy all night,but the temp got down to minus 10,and a very hard frost greeted me this morning.
I recieved a text off the wife early doors asking if i was ok :rolleyes:.

Well it was good even if it was just for the one night.
Thanks for looking.
Cheers Stuart.
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Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
Must have been okay if he was still out in -10 :D

Nice one Stuart :cool:

There's a fellow on another thread asking about how to go about making a bed like this, could you maybe post a few more details ? :D

Thanks for sharing :)


stuart f

Full Member
Jan 19, 2004
Hawick, Scottish Borders
Hi folks,sorry for not replying sooner,just suffice to say i had the hangover from hell yesterday,hence the posting today :eek:.

Anyway to the point.

look very nice. how was the bed roll, was thinking of getting one instead of a sleeping bag.

Hi pyrophil, the bedroll worked a treat,i have changed to this set up as i hate being stuck inside a mummy shaped sleeping bag,plus i sleep on my front and used to get smothered with the sleeping bag.

Must have been okay if he was still out in -10 :D

Nice one Stuart :cool:

There's a fellow on another thread asking about how to go about making a bed like this, could you maybe post a few more details ? :D

Thanks for sharing :)


Hi Mary,i would give more details,but theses were the only pics i took. I do have a pic some where on me puter of another bed that i made,which should clarify things. Could you point me in the right direction of said post please,and i will see what i can do.

how did the bedroll fare

Hi Spoony,yeah it fared well,i did add another wool blanket to help retain more heat.

Looks great but -10ºC, brrrrrrrrrr :D

How thick was your matress as the arrangement of the bed base looks a little uncomfortable?

Great setup though.

Hi Craeg,i did'nt use any browse on top of the bed,the reason was,i did'nt want to cut anything green just for an overnighter. I just used a self inflating mat which was more than adequate for the job.

Looks good, but do you have more pics of your setup?
Would like to know what you used for those temps.

Hi Ron,here is what i used for my set up.

Cech army bed roll with an extra wool blanket,a three quarter self inflating mat,and a cheap inflating pillow.

Rolled ready for the rucksack.

And a 12cm billie.

I also took a 2x1 litre army bottles for water.

Cheers Stuart.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Feb 8, 2006
Im a bit behind with the forum so only just seen this.
Looks like a fun night out Stuart, and you've tempted me to try out a bed roll too, as I dont like sleeping bags for the same reason.


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