I am a self confessed DIY nutter and can go out into the woods, fully equipped, using nothing but gear I have made myself
DIY clothing - hat, linen shirt, wool shirt, wool bushshirt, waxed cotton jacket, blanket lined waxed cotton gilet, linen under trousers, wool trousers, wool cloak, wool booties, Iron Age shoes, Iron Age gaiters, turnshoes, woollen hood ...etc.
DIY gear - rucksack, haversack, belt pouch, belts, tarp, hammock, hobo stove, pot hangers, candlestick, spoons, spatulas, cups, bowl, sporks, forks, pouches, stuffsacks, knife (forged the blade and made the rest), maul and gluts, pack frame, waxed cotton covered blanket, seat pad/blanket holder, woollen sleeping bag, bramble and willow baskets, flint and steel kits, bowdrill sets, rope, cordage, bow (with help) arrows, spears, flint tools, knives (stock reduction blades), sewing kits, bronze adze (traded for the blade), water bottles, bark pots, coconut pots, billy cans ...etc
DIY on site kit - tables, chairs, debris shelter, tripods, greenstick grills. A bridge (with help) Lean to shelter (with help) revetted steps in a steep bank (with help) now destroyed...etc.
Canoe (now dead and gone) with a lot of help
DIY projects - I am in the middle of making another Kuksa, a square bowl, spoon, spatulas and spurtles from Cherry: I would like to make a better tarp, a bigger pack, better shoes, better gloves, comfortable underpants
)) and a lot more.
Some kit is made in the woods, some at home
If I am not making I get bored ... and most TV is not worth watching...