Opticron 8x30 Waterproof Monocular

Mar 15, 2011
on the heather
I’ve used this scope for years now and it has always preformed perfectly, two of my friends were so impressed or jealous they went out and bought their own. Now is there any higher praise than that?


Here's a handy trick I use a lot when out tracking to save weight and carry less kit, just turn it round for the Opticron x8 microscope, it actually works very well.

.Burnt tobacco and cigarette ash.
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Bushcrafter through and through
Oct 5, 2011
West Riding
I could use one of these . Looks comfortable. How much are they ?
Cheers for the review.

The Mighty Oak Is Merely A Nut Who Stood His Ground
Mar 15, 2011
on the heather
Hi Chiseller

Normally around £70 new.
There’s an Opticron Trailfinder II also waterproof around half the price and half the size but I wouldn’t go any higher than the 8x25. The 10 x 25 is just pushing it to far not to good as the light begins to fade.
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Bushcrafter through and through
Oct 5, 2011
West Riding
Cheers....will have a look with view to a purchase next year. If only I hadn't bought a crappy lender p7 an stuck with my aldi :-(

The Mighty Oak Is Merely A Nut Who Stood His Ground


Nov 26, 2010
South East
Wow I was only looking into monoculars about 3 hours ago!! Coincidence.. This is a little above the price range I was looking at but I kind of realised anything cheap in this market and you're really looking at a hoky piece of poo. Thanks for the recommendation, personal recommendations is number one on my list of good kit research.


Bushcrafter through and through
Aug 30, 2006
Nr Chester
I have the trailfinder as i wanted something smaller that was a realistic pocket size. I did have a pair of compact bins but never wanted to carry them, the trailfinder is just small enough not to be noticed. Opticron anything gets my vote, nice review.

PS that microscope tip is great for shifting splinters ;)


Full Member
Nov 28, 2011
Forest of Bowland
Opticron is good kit. I keep an eye on Birdforum.net at their optics review pages as they give any products a proper test - looking for abberation, colour fringing etc. I picked up a pair of 7dayshop 10x42's for spare after reading some incredible reviews, optically they are fantastic - nearly as good as my Swarovski's, and for £17.99 they were a steal.


Mar 9, 2011
Angus, Scotland
I got one of these for my 40th birthday and it's with me every time I go out for a bimble. It fits nicely in the little pocket on the side of my Karrimor Sabre 30 too.
I've had smaller ones but the optics on the 8x30 are much better.
I also just bought one of these for my wife's Christmas. The new model has a built in front lens cover that pops off and dangles on a small rubber strap. It was £72 including £8 delivery from www.microglobe.co.uk. Very quick delivery too.
If you are looking for a monocular, this is the one.
I haven't seen these around here on the US side of the pond. How do they compare optically to some of the Zeiss offerings in similar magnification? Most the monoculars I've seen over here are not worth carrying.
Mar 15, 2011
on the heather
Hi Nobody
I haven’t used the Zeiss so I can’t really comment , I go down to a Bird Hide quite a lot and all the birders there are quite impressed with the clarity and a lot of them are using Option Binoculars anyway.
Later Bro.


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