Opinion on quality and value


Jan 6, 2008
As a new maker i would suggest you charge what you have in the knife materials plus a bit more to cover the cost of your next build

Depending how quick your knives sell will tell you if you are over or undercharging, as your skills and popularity evolve you can raise your price accordingly

If i charged minimum wage for the time i put in to my knives i would have to charge more than most top makers, im happy to see a small return on my hobby and any profit seems to go straight back in to new machinery or materials plus a lot more,

You could also try a passaround to get some productive criticism, from the pic your knife and sheath look well crafted

Good thread here http://knifedogs.com/showthread.php?407-How-do-you-set-prices-when-you-are-new-a-discussion

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Robson Valley

On a new journey
Nov 24, 2014
McBride, BC
The handle, in any condition, cannot bring joy to my day outdoors. The blade is everything and I really like that design.
I need to have some confidence in the steel that I'm buying _and_ it's treatment. Otherwise, I keep walking.
Are you going to make a few (simple handles & sheaths) as market-place testers? I'd be happy to pay a fair price +shipping
to be a tester. I have all kinds of superb edges to put it up against.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.