Once upon a time, in the middle of nowhere... (Pic heavy!)


May 15, 2013
Hi folks!

I thought I´d make a thread with my (very) small farm that we are renovating, and the area around :)
The size is approximately 8.6 - 9.0 acres, which is not much, but it is sufficient for our needs.
We keep horses in a small scale for breeding, training and selling, in addition to me being a riding instructor at other stables as well, +++
It has been a s*** load of work, and it isn´t over yet, the farm being quite neglected *sigh*
But we have done a lot already, so I just have to remind my self of that fact every once in a while. Bit by bit, it is getting better.

We just recently bought a greenhouse, and are planning and preparing for growing a lot of veggies and spices ourself now. I hope we manage to get SOME kind of useful harvest, but time will show.
When I was young I had one year at agricultural school, but I have to admit that I was sleeping during the gardening classes... Shame on me! In other words, good results in the gardening area is not necessarily given :p
I eventually ended up taking a mechanical education before my riding instructors exam.
A small bunch of chickens also live here, which reminds me I have four roosters that needs slaughtering now...
We also keep three barn cats that does a formidable job. My very own Moussead squad ;)
My dog unfortunately died in November, after 13,5 years, and she is buried under one of the apple trees.
It was a tough loss, but I am grateful for all the years she was in my life :) The worlds very best dog!

Anyway, shall we start with some illustrating pictures?

Here is an old photo taken many years ago, by other owners, so there has been a lot of changes. But you can still get an idea of how the area looks.
The house is no longer white, the monstrous balcony is gone (thank God!), there is a new riding arena that would hardly be visible at all on this photo because of the trees, new paddocks, the garage is turned into a cottage with two floors (for my mum) and we have cleared out some of the trees in the area. A lot of the field in the lower left corner is also hidden by the trees in front of the picture.
To the north we border to a small river. You can catch a glimpse of it in the upper left corner. Yes, there´s fish in it!
Heim by Lykketrollet, on Flickr

The river:
_LMF6198 by Lykketrollet, on Flickr
Property border on on the left side here:
Untitled by Lykketrollet, on Flickr

When we moved there we started with filling in old, useless drainage ditches, and dig the effective ones deeper. We used a lot of geo-textiles in what would end up as paddocks, and filled them with sand from the area (river sand):
Paddocks in the making by Lykketrollet, on Flickr
Paddocks almost finished by Lykketrollet, on Flickr
Paddocks in the making by Lykketrollet, on Flickr

Then we started what would be a nightmare project, the new riding arena :AR15firin
Two years later it is finally starting to work as it should, but it is still not 100 %. Makes me wanna pull out my hair and scream…
heim6 by Lykketrollet, on Flickr

When I say we started with the paddocks, that is not entirely true. First there was a staggering amount of trash and old materials that emerged from under the snow. Even a collapsed gazebo! There was so much to clear out before we could begin, we just sat for a while staring at it with a distant, glazed look…
I´ve never had a fouler mouth than during this period.

We had to hurry up and build the boxes in the stable, since customers were waiting to bring their horses. We built an insulated tack room, and this spring I will also have hot water installed.
The stable is insulated, and the boxes are build with 2 by 6, and we also welded the bars on top. The bars were painted black with Hammerite and Benga Lack.
There are six boxes in the insulated stable but we also have a free range stable for four horses more. That leaves half of the barn + the top floor for other projects in time.
The concrete in the floor was very weak and damaged, so last year we make a new floor in the stable with paving stones (?). I´m really happy with that floor!
Stable in the making by Lykketrollet, on Flickr

E1 by
Lykketrollet, on Flickr

The remnants of a garden was a travesty! I was told that in the old days, there used to be an amazing garden here, and it is interesting to discover all the old plants and flowers that lay dormant in the ground. All sorts of beautiful flowers pops up during the summer.
I enjoy flowers a lot, so I´m going a bit bananas every year, adding new plants to the garden. Very bad for my wallet but very good for my soul.
In about 3-5 years, it should start to look really nice!
Untitled by Lykketrollet, on Flickr

Untitled by Lykketrollet, on Flickr

Untitled by Lykketrollet, on Flickr

The house has been painted… ahem… a part from one last wall. The weather was so bad in the end last year, that the house had no time to dry up in-between the heavy rain. But this year it will finally be finished.
This year we will also complete the fences around the paddocks with wood planks for added security.
Heim13 by Lykketrollet, on Flickr

If you are still awake in the end of this post, congratulations! Here you have some photos of the neighborhood :cool:

Heim12 by Lykketrollet, on Flickr

Tristan in the snow by Lykketrollet, on Flickr

Centurion, born last summer, taking a nap:
Zzzzzzz by Lykketrollet, on Flickr

Hafþór, born last summer. Here he is only one day old:
Hafþór 1 day old by Lykketrollet, on Flickr

Some of the chickens:
The Wyandotte crew by Lykketrollet, on Flickr

Swallows nesting in the free range stable:
Swallows by Lykketrollet, on Flickr

Untitled by Lykketrollet, on Flickr

Home <3 by Lykketrollet, on Flickr

One of the many beaver mansions:
Beaver mansion by Lykketrollet, on Flickr

Untitled by Lykketrollet, on Flickr

Altanero by Lykketrollet, on Flickr

In the mist - Norway by Lykketrollet, on Flickr

Today it looks like this :christmas2:
Untitled by Lykketrollet, on Flickr

Untitled by Lykketrollet, on Flickr


A bemused & bewildered
Jan 5, 2013
SE Wales
Excellent, looks like a really cool place you have there, my kind of horses, too......................


Dec 14, 2012
you've earned the pleasure you are gettng from that place, well done, Idyllic, any plans for holiday chalets?


Full Member
Jun 14, 2016
WOW! What a beautiful place and scenery ! Paradise found👍👍

The horses are beautiful and so are the pictures too..
Altanero is one beautiful specimen !!!

Just beauty and more beauty...
Great post! And about time too ...You've been a busy lady .

Good job on the stables too , look forward to seeing some more !👍
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May 15, 2013
Thank you so much everyone! 😊 I was not sure if I should make this thread at all, because I don't want to spam or bore you all 😇

I really love it here! I even have great neighboors!

Thank you all for reading 😊

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Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
Arya, your home is a beautiful place :D Wonderful to have something you love doing and your family beside you too.
Thank you for sharing; it's a pleasure to see and to read of it.



May 15, 2013
Looks like a slice of heaven.

If you want a visitor who can dig, muck out stables, handle horses, etc . . .

I would not be stranger to visitors, on the contrary, I think that would be cool. But I had to drag my boyfriend after his hair, kicking and screaming, to this place :lmao:
I think he would have a stroke if I, on top of it all, opened our home to others. Poor fella *evil laugh*
He wash´t raised by an old hippie like I was, and he can be like a startled deer when it comes to strangers.


It is what it is.
Mar 5, 2008
~Hemel Hempstead~
Thank you so much everyone!  I was not sure if I should make this thread at all, because I don't want to spam or bore you all 

It's a beautiful place you have and we're lucky you were kind enough to share it with us.

Please continue to do so because I doubt anyone would get bored by it :)


May 15, 2013
Today the sun finally hit our home, for the first time since the beginning of November! :sun:

We celebrated with cooking dinner outside, and just enjoy one whole hour of sun on our faces. Dinner was salmon with veggies and rice, but my camera was out of power so no photos.
Tea was brewed from snow, and sprinkled with some hay and horse hair that the wind brought ;) All in all, not a bad start on the race towards spring.

Bålkos1 by Lykketrollet, on Flickr

Bålkos3 by Lykketrollet, on Flickr

Me watching the development of the fire, fashionable as always :eek:
Bålkos2 by Lykketrollet, on Flickr

Tea water by Lykketrollet, on Flickr


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.