I happened to score an olive green gabardine SAS smock in new condition on Ebay. From reading some UK military forums, I came to the understanding that these are very rare. I've certainly never before seen one for sale. The DPM and desert ones are extremely abundant in gabardine, while the MTP and even the black ones can be found occasionally.
Would someone happen to know a bit more about the OG ones? Like which units they were made for?
I love these smocks and use them literally every day...in addition to this green one, I have two black gabardine SAS smocks, two OG ventile smocks made by SASS and a green double layer ventile Westwinds smock (made almost exactly in SAS smock style). I guess I'm a heavy user
I happened to score an olive green gabardine SAS smock in new condition on Ebay. From reading some UK military forums, I came to the understanding that these are very rare. I've certainly never before seen one for sale. The DPM and desert ones are extremely abundant in gabardine, while the MTP and even the black ones can be found occasionally.
Would someone happen to know a bit more about the OG ones? Like which units they were made for?
I love these smocks and use them literally every day...in addition to this green one, I have two black gabardine SAS smocks, two OG ventile smocks made by SASS and a green double layer ventile Westwinds smock (made almost exactly in SAS smock style). I guess I'm a heavy user