old axe i found in the shed!

Aug 22, 2009
Medway Kent
i was going through the shed the other week and came accross an old axe. have no idea what it is or even how it got there, but i just thuaght it would be nice to try and restore it.

this is what it looked like when i first got it out of the shed.




and then after about an hour with a wire brush


sory its a bit dark but i took it inside with flash as it was raining

i hope to get some more done this week as it is suposed to be nice out (i prefer to work outside :) )
but i still need to get a wire wheel for the drill to make life easier and to get the rest of the stuborn rust off.
Aug 22, 2009
Medway Kent
oh thanks for the info i had no idea what it was. but its definatly worth the small investment of time and a little money to restore it then.

i will hopefully get some more done this week, ill post more pics when i have done more.
May 16, 2010
Vinegar is fantastic for getting rid of stubbourn rust - leave it soaking for a few hours and most of it will fall right off, a quick wire brush/wipe with a cloth and you'll be amazed how clean it comes up. Make sure you wash and scrub with soapy water very thoroughly afterwards though as the vinegar will actually start rusting the metal again (much quicker than water does) if left on.

Another tip Ive been told (though never tried) is that the rusty vinegar left after soaking can be used to stain wood a nice dark near-black colour.

edit - you can get 500ml bottles of vinegar for about 13p in asda so it's cheap too!
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Aug 22, 2009
Medway Kent
thanks for the tip i will have a go at that, i will probably have a go at the wood staining to ill try on a scrap piece first but if i like it it will go nicely with my knife project.
Aug 22, 2009
Medway Kent
iv not had a lot of time on my hand recently, but got the vinegar today and i will have a go at it tomoz.

after the rust has gone i can start on the other bits like cleaning the handle up a bit and the give the axe an edge again.
then i think i will probably use it to rough out my first spoon. then maybe i could stain the spoon with the rusty vinegar (so nothing will go to waste).
Aug 22, 2009
Medway Kent
was gonna sit out in the garden and do it today but didnt get rountd to it as it started to rain as i opened the back door. why did i think it would do anything other than rain, its a bank holiday thats all it ever does.


Jan 26, 2007
Just a note on Spear and Jackson, in this period S&J took over Elwell, who at the time where the best maker of agricultural implements in the world (IMHO).
Aug 22, 2009
Medway Kent
wow thanks for the info, i had no idea what it was i juts knew it was an old axe and it might be nice to clean it up. also its cheaper than buying a new one. and IMO if i just baught a new axe i dont think i would look after it like i will this one, i know i will take good care of this axe as i would have gave it a new lease of life therefor it will have more sentimental value and some history.

im deffinatly gonna do this at the weekend! :)


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