We have a few and I am hoping some of them see this thread.
Well, I am by no means Norwegian, but Swedish, and our respective languages are as close as two languages can be, I guess.
The jumper - "Genser" in Norwegian has previously been used and cost 150 NOK, which I think is about
15 pound (corrected a simple math error).
You have to choose size (storrelse): small (liten), medium or large (stor).
click the green button "Kjop" which means "Buy".
check the box and click the green button "Gå til kassen" which means "go to the cashier".
Fill in the mandatory fields (marked by an *) and choose a mode of delivery (leveringsmetode)
* Fornavn (First Name)
* Etternavn (Last name - family name)
* Adresse (Adress)
* Sted (City etc)
* Postnummer (Postal number - "Zip code")
* Telefon (Telephone number)
* E-post (E-mail adress)
Land (Country)
Firma (Company (if applicable)
Meld deg på E-post listen ("Join the e-mail list)
Hvordan oppdaget du vår butikk? ("How did You find our shop?)
* Levering: (Terms of delivery - choose between your own choice "Valg" or "Forsvarsbrugt will find the cheapest mean of delivery" - "Forsvarsbrugt finner billigste frakt "
Leveres til "Delivery to" (if other than the order adress)
"Kommentarer eller spørsmål til bestilling" - (Comments or questions regarding the order)
I hope this will be of help to you.