Northern Meet Thanks

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Oct 13, 2005
Just got back as I stayed an extra night, thanks to everyone that I met and for the warm welcome, thanks for the food I had the added pleasure of another scruff feast last night which rocked, thanks to him for that, so many people, so many skills and all offered willingly, thanks everyone :You_Rock_



err!where do i start,firstly thanks to wayland for getting the ball rolling for the meet
and i now have another novel use for the tow ball on the jeep :lmao: thanks to razorstrop and emberglow for a few pointers on the bow drill and for the beers :beerchug: and a big :thanks: outdoorcode for the swanni that really topped
my weekend off :You_Rock_ i also took a piccy of your laavu :confused: and a few of the site when i went for a wander up the fell,if they turn out ok i'll put them up in the gallery,oh i forgot cheers for showing me the flint and steel wayland the peice i got off groovski will be one of my prized possesions.

once again thanks to everyone there for a top wet :umbrella:weekend :You_Rock_



May 27, 2005
Here and there
I had a great time and it was nice meeting many of you. The car was considerably lighter and quieter on my way home ;-) I hope you all like the mess kits, rucksacks, kuksas and winter clothes.

Kudos to Wayland to take the initiative, and to Led and Scruff for the grub! The campsite was great and I'll be back with wife and dogs next summer.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Apr 20, 2005
Durham City, County Durham
Well, I got back about half past eight last night. I drove home non stop so my bum was in a cramp as I staggered into the house. I just had time for a cup of tea and I went straight to bed. Knackered but still buzzing is a wierd feeling - kinda like sex without the grunting and sweating.- but that was how I felt after meeting up with all you guys and guyesses. I can't wait till the next meet. If we have one in the early new year I'm just bringing myself and a bottle of finest malt so I can chill round the campfire. When we have a meet in the spring, or summer, I'll bring the workshop and focus on woodcraft - and by that time I should have a whole bunch of flint tools to make stuff with.

I'm so pleased everyone enjoyed themselves and I am a happy bunny to have been part of it.

Catch you all next time.



Sep 20, 2005
County Durham
A gargantuan thank you to all concerned with the weekend, I had a great time, as did the rest of the family and it was nice to meet everyone. I'm still striking every bit of steel in the house with bits of flint in the hope of a spark, have decided that the fire by friction project is up the agenda , after producing a whopping but ultimately useless ember, looking at what could be improved by a bit of leatherwork, and just generally feeling so much more motivated as a consequence of meeting you all that I can't wait for a bit of spare time to get on with it, never mind the opportunity to do it again.
I'm just about managing to type after attacking my other typing finger with a spoon knife, and then having to scrounge a plaster, (after reminding everyone to bring a first aid kit, and forgetting my own, I suppose I was asking for it...). Does anyone have any powdered Yarrow going spare? I should start working on my bushcraft medical skills!
Thanks again, and shall we start looking for a location for a winter meet? If I put my mind to it I'm sure I could sort out somewhere in County Durham, It wouldn't be a proper campsite but for the people that still go in for camping in cold conditions it could be a goer. It's been a while since I had to defreeze the water in my bottle to make a brew and I think it's about time I did it again.
This was my first time at one of these meets, and I have to say I thouroughly enjoyed every minute - even the wet ones! (of which there were many!)

Met some great people and had some great food, not to mention the demos and help and advice from everyone. Special thanks to Eric and Grooveski for their patience and perseverance, and to Dave and Pete for the tales around the camp fire - unforgettable.

Looking forward to meeting up again soon.



Jun 24, 2005
West Yorkshire
Thanks y'all for a great weekend.

Next time I WILL do more....I missed out on Grooveski & Eric (soz guys) you were always so busy.

This wknd was a very welcome break for me.

Thanks esp. to Led's food (thumbs fine!) and Wayland's catalyst (PM sent) and Liz and Steve for sticking around on Sunday nite and sharing in some conversation, food and (far too much) drink!

Was truely warmed by how welcome I felt, the weather just really didnt seem to matter.

Many thanks to everyone


ps. Tommy your tops! I can't stop playing with my new kit :240:


May 19, 2005
right were do i start
thanks to everyone who made this meet possible and everyone who did a demonstration

many thanks to everyone



May 16, 2005
SE london
just put up a few pics in my gallery. Not sure how you access them though. Nothing special just happy snaps of a load of tents realy. You could play tent spotting i spose :D


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Apr 20, 2005
Durham City, County Durham
I've got around fifty decent photos but I can't get them onto the computer. My new camera has software that only works on Windows 98SE or later and I'm running Windows 98, so it won't work. Both my CD-ROM drives are knacked as well so I can't even install an upgrade at the moment. Looks like something on the mother board has gone as both the drives have power to them but they don't read data, nor does the OS recognise they are there. I'll get it fixed sometime this month but it'll have to be when I have a couple of days off.



Dec 21, 2004
Thanks to Wayland for organising, everyone who said "hello" well done to my little gaggle of bow-drillers that formed on Sunday morning at the height of the downpour. My sense of timing impeccable as ever. :rolleyes:

Sorry I was late there, early back and knackereed and/or antisocial. A motorcycle crisis demanded my attention elsewhere. I will try harder next time.

And thanks to Eric - I now know what a twybill is.



Dec 31, 2004
West Yorkshire
Eric I've got a spare, working, fast Sony CDRW you can have. PM me if you want it.

Eric_Methven said:
I've got around fifty decent photos but I can't get them onto the computer. My new camera has software that only works on Windows 98SE or later and I'm running Windows 98, so it won't work. Both my CD-ROM drives are knacked as well so I can't even install an upgrade at the moment. Looks like something on the mother board has gone as both the drives have power to them but they don't read data, nor does the OS recognise they are there. I'll get it fixed sometime this month but it'll have to be when I have a couple of days off.



Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Apr 20, 2005
Durham City, County Durham
I've been trying to fix the 'puter all day. I bought a couple of new drives, a DVD RW and a DVD/CD Rom drive. I installed both and the computer sees a new device when I boot up, but can't find a driver for it. All I got with the drives was a CD and of course neither will install because the computer doesn't see the drives there. It's doing my head in :( . I'll probably go out tomorrow and blow a load of money on a new computer and run this HD as a slave. Don't want to, but I can't think of a way to sort this one. It's a catch 22 situation.

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We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.