Nikon D70s


Oct 2, 2004
Wayland said:
I'm currently looking to upgrade my digital camera at the moment too.

Having been a photographer for 25 years I've got a truck load of film gear from 35mm to large format that is sitting unused at home.

I guess it's time to chop it in against the camera I want, but the sad thing is I know the value of it has fallen through the floor.

I'm looking at thousands of pounds worth of gear that is now worth less than half of the cost of the Canon D5 body. :(


I feel your pain!

Last year I decided to make the jump and was going to trade my Hasselblad kit against a D70s (which would accept my lens kit for my F90x’s).

The trade in value for a good ‘blad will now buy you a cup of tea (in a cracked mug). It’s frightening how the bottom has fallen out of the market for good kit which, often, produces better images than what it is being replaced with.

Or is that just a traditionally trained Phot talking?


PS I envy your 5x4

British Red

M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Dec 30, 2005
AJB said:

I feel your pain!

Last year I decided to make the jump and was going to trade my Hasselblad kit against a D70s (which would accept my lens kit for my F90x’s).

The trade in value for a good ‘blad will now buy you a cup of tea (in a cracked mug). It’s frightening how the bottom has fallen out of the market for good kit which, often, produces better images than what it is being replaced with.

Or is that just a traditionally trained Phot talking?


PS I envy your 5x4

But of course the question is, if its so good, why did you trade it in? Same reason that no-one else wants to buy it now I guess - who wants to spend ages in the darkroom etc. to achieve what takes 2 minutes on a PC! (I have a load of near worthles Eos gear - still, at least the lenses are compatible)


Great Pebble

Jan 10, 2004
Belfast, Northern Ireland
Wet photography is rapidly becoming/ has become a niche interest, the domain of the dedicated hobbyist and artist.

There's a sort of correlation with one of my other interests, radio. In the last couple of years it has become much easier to obtain a basic licence to operate on the Amateur Bands. Old "Hams" are appalled and disgusted by the lack of technical knowledge of some of the new licencees and the general lowering of the tone of on air conversation. (exacerbated, I must admit by a minority group of plain ignorant new licence holders.). Anyhow, what the majority of these old hands seem to have difficulty in accepting is that when all is said and done 99.9% of people with an interest in radio want to talk to other people. The propogation of electro-magnetic waves through the atmosphere and the arcane arts of circut design are of little or no interest.

So it is with photography, those whose interest is deeper than actually producing reasonably good quality images are a monority so small that they can safely be described as eccentric, at least from a marketing POV.


Jun 12, 2005
Hertfordshire (UK)
Wayland said:
I'm currently looking to upgrade my digital camera at the moment too.

Having been a photographer for 25 years I've got a truck load of film gear from 35mm to large format that is sitting unused at home.

I guess it's time to chop it in against the camera I want, but the sad thing is I know the value of it has fallen through the floor.

I'm looking at thousands of pounds worth of gear that is now worth less than half of the cost of the Canon D5 body. :(

I also have a lot of old film gear but I've seen the same models of Nikon camera that I have going for fairly reasonable prices on eBay. Mine have been used professionally so they are too worn and battered looking to get top prices for. Film might be dying out but there is still a strong interest in it from many hobbyists.

Even though I've gone digital I can still use all of my old lenses and a lot of my old gear but with some obvious limitations - a manual focus lens is never going to auto focus for example.

Even though I've been a photographer for around 30 years I've pretty much abandoned film and my old film bodies are now gathering dust. As well as taking pictures I used to not only have my own darkroom but I also worked in one. These skills have now become pretty much obsolete IMO, I'm now a "Photoshopper" and I actually prefer it.

Digital photography really is fun but I think that up and coming photographers would do well to at least acquaint themselves with the skills of silver-halide and the disciplines of good photography.

A couple of my old cameras for your amusement. :)


Nikon F3HP & Nikon FM

ed dickson

Feb 7, 2006
ok then so which one of you dastardly wet process deserters (shame!) wants to flog me your old MF cameras then? bronica, 'blads going cheap? yes please!


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.