Night fishing


Sep 24, 2003
nth lincs
This coming Saturday Night I'll be going night fishing for Pike. Where I fish there is a wood on the riverbank and I have a small fire for cooking on and that age old pass time staring into. So if anybody would like to tag along they are welcome. Its a good little spot and nobody bothers you. The place is very easy to get to, its not far from junction 2 M180. Send a P.M with phone number if you are interested.If its raining I'll not be going as Pike don't feed in the rain. I have spare rods if needed.


Hill Dweller
Sep 17, 2003
Hi Martin.

Id love to give this a go, but due to previous engagements, looks like I missed my chance, however, youre not far from me, and I may end up sending you an email requesting a lesson in the future!!

Are you planning to stay out all night?

[Course, Id bring a case of real ales with me.] :naughty:


Sep 24, 2003
nth lincs
I think the reason that they don't feed when its raining is that one their hunting methods is to use sound and vibration for prey location.

It must get pretty noisy under water when its raining. It could also have something to do with air pressure, low pressure weather systems usally give the heavy rain.

The best time to fish for Pike is after four days of settled weather or one or two days before bad weather is due to hit.

I reached this conclusion from my own observations and various books on the subject of pike fishing

One other tip when dead baiting is to use plenty of aniseed oil on the bait.
Mar 2, 2004
some one told me to use wd40 on my bait.something to do with the scent trail.i didnt get a bite all day.didnt work with sea baits either m8.


Sep 24, 2003
nth lincs
Keep the juice from any tinned fish you eat at home ( salmon, tuna or any oily fish ). You can use this to set a scent trail. Mixed with aniseed oil its a killer. :-D
Mar 2, 2004
good one could inject it in the bait i suppose.but i thought they didnt feed at night either? bacon works v,well as a bait and if you get hungry you can just eat that!
ever play reelwars? if you dont catch you dont eat [ like the tv show]


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How about crumbing up some bread, then mixing in the juices (and the fish if you want) from some Sardines in oil.

Works for me if I am out for a pike session. The crumb causes a bit of activity in the bait fish department too - which doesn't hurt the attraction process.

Some people think that Pike go on the feed just before unsettled weather moves in. So yeah, if you go at the end of a nice patch of weather, after the weathermen have called a change, you should do well.


Sep 24, 2003
nth lincs
I like the idea of the oil in breadcrumb, I'll give that one a go next time I'm out.

They do feed at night I've caught loads in darkness. Had to make my own night float, drilled a 4.5mm hole in big sliding pike float then stuffed a starlight in the hole.

I had a good session a few years back after 4 days of settled weather, 62lb for 6 fish, biggest was 14lb.

We bought SWMBO's young'un a rod and reel for Christmas and this his first fish at 8lb 9 oz jammy little so n so :-D



Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 3, 2003
First fish at 8lb 9 oz! Wow!!!!!

Mine was like stickleback in comparison!


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Nov 10, 2003
well done young'un!!!! always been more of a tench man myself but tried spinning for pike a few times, pretty succesful but hard work!! quite fancy trying sea fishing now i'm living on the coast, anyone got any tips for me?

Mar 2, 2004
yes m8 i have a few an hour b4 and after high tide,its better in the dark,always use fresh bait [ lugworm is the top bait at all times, followed by peeler crab then mackeral] start with a rod you can easily cast and dont expect as many fish as fresh water fishing.i,ve been at it for years m8 and trust me,,,its all about anticipation and being out there in all weather. ...enjoy!

CM Burns

Oct 24, 2003
it's also about a lot of hard work and research! well sort of...

my fav form of fishing is using lures for bass - wonderful to explore the coast with a really lightweight fishing kit. no reliance on natural bait, heavy lead weights etc

i have put in quite a lot of time along the south coast and can now catch bass at will - local knowledge is key - and it can be very specific too. there are places where i can catch bass every time but the "window" of opportunity may last for a mere 10 minutes as the fish swim in on the tide into a particular area but more on as the area floods.

it's absolutely fantastic as you really cover a lot of ground hunting for the fish. far more fun than static forms of fishing. aiming for bass usually means that you are spending time on some of our most beautiful coastlines too - which is a vital factor for me as the whole experience is more important than catching fish. and i put them all back too - they're too beautiful to kill! the mackeral get eaten though...


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