New design testing


Aug 11, 2013
Hi guys.

This should have been posted before now, just not got round to it.

So i have been testing out the new design i made recently, It performed admirably in all tasks it was put to, i have no complaints whatsoever about it.

Its been used to batten through loads of seasoned ash logs, feather stick one of em, which with the wood been so dry and hard didnt make the best feather sticks i've ever done lol, but thats on me and the wood, not the knife. I whittled some sticks for cooking some fish, used it in the kitchen for prepping the fish etc. Just general stuff really and nothing too fancy :) It strikes sparks from a ferro rod better than any other knife i have used, strikes sparks from flint well, scrapes bark really easily and efficiently due to the concave spine. The knife has been used pretty hard, its not in the same condition it was when i started thats for sure :D But at the end of it all, it still shaves hairs and could even feather some reindeer antler without bother :)

Few pics of the process... and thanks for looking :)

Still need a name for this design..... any ideas guys? :)

Before i looked like this

Battoned wood

Not the best featherstick in the world, but it worked :D

Sea Bas and Sea Bream to be sorted

Some salmon sorted

After playing with the ferro rod

Couple of pics at the side of Steves Spydie bushy for a sense of scale

Does that spidey bush come with those scales? Mine needs some repair. Who could make mine look like that? How much? I'm in the US.


Bushcrafter through and through
Oct 1, 2008
W. Yorkshire
I swapped those scales out for some reindeer antler for a chap on here.

I could put some of those on yours if you wanted... but surely there would be someone closer to home to do it for you and save the postage costs?


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