Need to lose some weight


May 23, 2007
Peterhead, Aberdeenshire
From my Rucksack that is :)

The thing is every time I go out camping i always seem to be carrying more than everyone else can people please make suggestions to my list below for weight reduction. I’m using a Lowe Alpine 60 L rucksack which does how pouches on the sides as well as a pouch on the lid of the rucksack.

Here what I take for an overight/2 day camp.

1xDecathalon Tarp 3x2.5 m
sleeping bag
1xFolding saw
1xWooden handled Mora which I where I on me.
1xSmall forest Axe
1xRoll Mat
A total of 4 L of Water
1xSet of DPM Waterproofs
2xSpare Socks
1xHexi Stove
1xBilly Can
1 Mess tin set
1 Bivy Bag
36 Hour worth of food for dog and I
1x Spare woollen layer
Some Rope
Ammo For .22 Rifle
1xTallow Candle
Brew Kit
Wash kit
Also Fire lighting Kit
And finally a torch

Anything that people see I Don’t Really need?

Thanks Lodian

P.s Be Nice please :)


Feb 15, 2005
Silkstone, Blighty!
You haven't listed a rifle, so lose the ammo!

Dog food is bumping your weight up but he/she can'd do without can he/she? have you thought about getting one of those carrying vests for the dog so that it can carry its own food? Does it have a bowl too? Try getting one of those folding bowls instead used for washing your face/cutlery, many of the normal online shops stock them. You could chuck it all in his/her kit then and a bottle of water perhaps, although a dog will drink out of a stream or puddle with equal relish as your potable water!

I'd say see what you do use on the trip and what you don't, and apart from safety kit such as FAK, etc. ditch the stuff you don't use. Billy can and mess tins? Can't you do with one or the other? If everybody takes a pot, then you can cook all sorts.

Chris G

Mar 23, 2007
Here's a simple rule which should help; never have anything which does the same job as something else in your pack.

If I were you I'd ditch the axe, the mess tin & the bungies. That should save you some weight. Not too harsh I hope.



Full Member
May 2, 2007
A couple of quick thoughts/questions....

1xFolding saw
1xSmall forest Axe

Do you need both?

A total of 4 L of Water

That's, when full, 4kg (plus the weight of the containers). Would it be feasible to carry less water in conjunction with a filtration system?

Some Rope

Is this rope for ascents/descents or for the tarp ridge line? Could it be thinner and/or shorter?

There are plenty of light weight alternatives - probably not by preference though :D .

Depends what you carry :cool: .

Also Fire lighting Kit

Again, it depends what you carry - or, depending on location, need to carry.

And finally a torch

How big? And if it is big, does it need to be?


Jan 2, 2006
Millport, Scotland
You could cut down on the water and carry puritabs or a filter

It would weigh less anyway

Mind you I wouldn't have thought having too little water would be much of a problem anywhere in Scotland at the moment.
Round here if you open your water bottle its instantly fuller than it was before :lmao:


Need to contact Admin...
Jan 15, 2008
For me I would ditch:
2lts of water - there's plenty around to gather enroute.
the axe - count how many times the saw would have done the same job.
mess tins/billy can/kuksa - get a crusader cup and 58pt bottle.
wash kit - if its only overnight just be smelly.

To be honest it's not about how much less you can carry but how much more fun you can have even if that means carrying a wee bit more. I use a lowe alpine 55ltr and it's about 3/4 full on a weekend with the same sort of kit as above, but I always make sure i leave enough room for the bottle of port.


Full Member
Jan 2, 2004
Manchester UK
Get rid of the mess tins, the billy will suffice
Bin the KFS You already have a knife so get a plastic spoon and cut all food bitesize
Take saw or axe but not both
If the rope is for your tarp ditch the bungees and just use the rope
What's the wash kit?? Look at a shemagh as a towel, 1 tablet of hotel soap, travel toothbrush and paste, nothing more should be needed unless you can't go a weekend without a shave, then take a razor.

First aid kit should be minimalist with just essentials in and should fit in a jacket pocket

Hope this helps


Dec 15, 2005
Ths is what I`d carry from your list, knife, saw and firelighting kit should be on your person anyway.

I`ve taken out water on the presumption you can source it en route.

I`ve ditched the bungees in favour of the rope, the mess tins can go if you`ve got a billy with a lid and the axe would go unless your planning on some serious chopping. You could argue about the hexi but it all depends on location and permission.

I`d say the food and water is your biggest burden. if you can slim those down a touch then it should be a manageable load. Will the dog eat the dehydrated stuff ??

1xDecathalon Tarp 3x2.5 m
sleeping bag
1xRoll Mat
1xSet of DPM Waterproofs
2xSpare Socks
1xHexi Stove
1xBilly Can
1 Bivy Bag
36 Hour worth of food for dog and I
1x Spare woollen layer
Some Rope
Ammo For .22 Rifle
Brew Kit
And finally a torch


Feb 15, 2005
Silkstone, Blighty!
Food is actually quite a good subject that i feel is often overlooked. How do you get a good kitchen in the field when you have to pack it all in on your back? Just because you're in the outdoors doesn't mean you should eat crap. Boil in the bag rations are not on my menu, I'd rather eat my used socks! Chorizo and those type of products are a great staple for a meat source and they keep well and don't require refrigeration. An onion and a few leeks add colour and flavour and keep reasonably well, they can be dehydrated before you go on your trip and will weigh nothing. Rice or pasta weighs nothing considering how much you can take and how many meals you'd get out of it. Just one can get boring though, so go for a small bag of each. Tomato puree is concentrated and can add loads of flavour, garlic cloves keep really well and keeps vampyres away! One clove will pep your meal right up! Chili, curry powder, salt and pepper will all transform a meal. A bannock mix can be prepared in advance and taken along to bulk you out. A block of cheese will keep reasonably well if kept deep in your kit so that it stays cool.

Look at what you eat in the field, are you eating processed crap?


May 23, 2007
Peterhead, Aberdeenshire
Thanks Spam i think i will need to look at the food section however i do genuinly like the taste of boil in the bag stuff. However me mother buys a lot of chorizo so i think i will be long term borrowing that.

The wash kit is basically a medium sized towel a hand towel and some steridex.

As far as the dog;s food is concerned she eats what i eat or will go and get a small bird has done it a few times now.

But is there an age limit when considering those carry vets for dogs? She turns 7 tomorrow that should be ok?

Brew kit contains of all instant stuff mainly.
Suppose the bungees are not needed.

But between the saw and axe i do tend to use the axe quite a lot. Should i just get a better saw?


Thanks for all the help so far


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