I spent a long time trying to find a really good lid for the crusader cup. I bought 2 handmade ones from someone I believe is on this forum and sells on eBay for around £10. His ones are very good but like most lids that people make themselves, the lip of the lid goes around the outside of the cup. When heating with Hexamine I found the fumes would get under the lid and everything would taste toxic as a result. Most lids for pots etc, that are factory made tends to have the lip on the inside of the pot. So by complete accident, whilst trying to find a lid to fit my Dutch army mug, I bought a Pathfinder (non snap) lid from Heinnie Haynes for around £6, it didn't fit my Dutch mug. However it nearly fits the crusader perfectly. And the lip is on the inside. This evening I had a tea, made using the lid and Hexamine, and bingo, no nasty Hexamine taste. The search for a lid for the Dutch mug continues.