NE Meet 3 - September


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jun 15, 2010
NE Scotland
Hi nickrobo nice to see someone close. It would be good to meet up at some point.

To whoeverelse is organising/ turning up:-
I'm not going to make the Fri night, but hope to turn up sometime on Sat. Maybe stay the Mon night as well?? [If allowed]


Jan 28, 2009
ok folks sorry about all the delays here is an update:

The same as last time I have to put on a serious hat (has to be done)

under are some rules (Pinched from drew as they are a good guide with my own bits added) that I would ask you all to follow.

This list isn't exhaustive - common sense applies. If in doubt, Ask!

•Forum members are responsible for themselves, the kit they use and their own actions at a Meet – if you bring along family (or a friend) then you also accept responsibility for them and their actions whilst they are on site.

•Forum members under the age of 18 are welcome. However, they must be accompanied by at least one parent (or legal guardian).

•Rubbish: you brought it in, you put it in the bag – I will bring some bags along and if we can leave the site better than when we got there it will leave a good impresion and we will more likely to be asked back.

•Responsible drinking of alcohol is ok – drugs are prohibited!

•‘Appropriate’ behaviour: The site can, at any time, decline a booking – they can also ask(tell) us (individually or wholly) to leave during the Meet.

•Fires: are NOT to be left unattended, If you take a turn in watching the group fire or make your own and have to leave it please ask sombody to watch it for you (we are in the woods after all)
•Nobody is to go cutting down any live trees (again please ask if you are unsure)

•Food: you need to bring enough food and water to feed yourself while you are at the Meet.

•Accidents do happen and people will try to help out where they can - If you are visiting someone else’s pitch do not expect to be fed.

•Use the appropriate tools at the appropriate times.

•It would be wise to be carrying a torch before it gets dark! It could also be provident to put markers on your shelter so you can find it in the dark.

•The pitch is suitable for using tents, hammocks and bivvies - use what you have and are comfortable using. There is still ample room to bring/use one type and trial/experiment with another.

•If you stick your name down and can no longer make it, please say so.

•Please note that, on occassion, the first post will be edited to include better information. Although updates/edits will be posted in the thread, the first post needs to be re-read well in advance of the Meet

•In the highly unlikely event that I need to make use of this ... I reserve the right to stop any individual(s) from attending a Meet. Any individual(s) who I feel endanger our future use of the site will be required to leave the site.

• Please do not leave knives, axes unsheathed/ lying around.

The 'Touchy Subject' bit:
The only people we can't accommodate are those who would, purposely or otherwise, do harm to others. Primarily, this means that if you would be found unfit to adopt or foster a child then you can’t come along – same goes for anyone knowingly under investigation or having had an allegation made against them and is awaiting investigation.

It's fine if you want to:
•be on your own
•lay on your back looking at the sky, clouds, birds flying over etc
•practice 'stuff' - except tree felling; the site has strong opinions about that
•practice flora and fauna i.d
•so on and so forth ...

This is, in no way, a bushcraft course and it's for you to make of it what you will.

(Thanks for the guide Drew)

So its really basic common sense. If you cant/wont stick to these rules then please do not come.Also anybody breaking these rules will be asked to leave

By coming along to the meet you have agreed to the rules above.

Glad thats over with,

if you can add your name to the list and what day you will be arriving and leaving on.If you are unsure of when you can make it confirm asap.
I need to have the list a week before the event

We had good feedback from the park manager and staff so please keep up the good work and we will have a place that we can use.

many thanks

Ok thats that sorted:

again we will have a few things planned for the meet but other things will crop up like last time also if you want to know something ask and well see what we can do, or if you are willing to contribute something you can teach/ show let me know.

so far we have:

Shelter building, the camp loom, Fire by friction, camp craft, glue making, net making, char cloth, making Jerky, ponnasing

The list will undoubtedly be added to.

will edit in the name list soon.



ps:Mousey ill note tht down, unfortunatly we only have the site till Sunday
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Dingus Magee

Loitering within tent
Nov 22, 2008
Darkest Aberdeenshire
Good work's sensible to make those rules and ensure that they are adhered to; it keeps our backs covered insurance-wise, shows the Park staff that we are fostering a responsible attitude in the use of their site, and ensures a consistency of standards. Moreover, at the end of the day, it is only common sense rules that you have put up there and I can't see anyone having a problem with them :)

Hope to see y'all sometime on the Sunday!

A'ra best for noo!

DM ;)
"If you are visiting someone else’s pitch do not expect to be fed."

We could all just sit and wait round Craig's pitch for food. :D

Good rules as usual.

Is it worth running a seperate thread for the workshops/teachings, just to make it easier to split out?

Catch up with you on Facebook soon Craig to discuss whats happening.

I may have an additional 2 people coming along. Not members here yet, but friends I went to the moot with. Will let you know.


Jan 28, 2009
We could all just sit and wait round Craig's pitch for food. :D

Rofl Ok so I may bring enough food to feed the entire population of the north east but this year I will survive on nothing but the dew of a single Ginko leaf and the energy of the universe. ... :p

Is it worth running a seperate thread for the workshops/teachings, just to make it easier to split out?

Mabey an Idea mate, Speak soon



Jan 28, 2009
LOL KP, yeah pity you cant make it, but hopefully if all goes well the next one will be up your way.

all my best to the family



Jan 28, 2009
ok folks like last time if your name isnt already on the list just add it on and can everybody confirm the days they will be able to make it I will need the final numbers a week before we go and it makes thing easier for me to sort out.

CBJ + 3 Fri- Sun
Pandabean +2 (TBC) Fri- Sun
Charles Fri-Sun
Pete Fri- Sun
Dingus Sun
Chance (TBC)
Ironside (TBC)
Calurix (TBC)
Nickrobo ( TBC)
mark (TBC)
Shambling Shaman (TBC)
mousey (TBC)
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Dec 26, 2007
Looks like I'm not going to make it - been given dates for going away with work which clash, however, there is a chance of a delay, if so I'll be there but I'll probably not know until the day before or so.

Thought I'd give this a bit of a bump. :)

For the workshops or whats for on show.

Net Making - I can show you how to make the needle if anyone wants to do that, which will take a bit of time to carve, but you will need one for the net making so if you dont fancy making one they can be picked up off the internet fairly cheaply.
The making of the net is pretty easy to do once you get into the swing of it and is different from the style shown on many website where you hang the line between 2 trees/posts.
If you have your own string (garden twine etc) please bring it along, I will see if I can get a large spindle of the stuff next time I am at Tesco.

Camp Craft - We will hopefully be setting up a large group table which will hopefully act as a kitchen area. If time is on our side we can show the table and bench that we made at Bennachie, a couple of chairs, one that was shown to me by Eric Methven at the Moot.

Shelter Building - If our old shelters are still standing we can carry on with them or demonstrate another lean-to.

Group Pot - We may arrange another group pot and we will put up a shopping list if we are going ahead with that.

Does anyone have a large pot that we can use as a hot water/brew pot for during the day?

N.E. Damo

Aug 20, 2011
Aberdeen, NE Scotland
As a newbie to the forum I would love to come along and learn all the tricks and tips on offer, Im afraid my missus is due our 1st child on the 4th Sept and as cool as she is I think thats pushing it a bit!

I would like to say I'd love to join you guys at some point, I shall try and work my (limited!) charm on the missus for a future outing.

Take care guys,


Full Member
Jul 9, 2006
Congratulations Damo

This will not be the last meet in the NE and you will be more than welcome to come along to the next, probably in spring. If the mood takes you, you would be welcome to come along during the day and your newborn would be welcome to.



Mar 7, 2010
I am going to really try to get there this time, work willing.
For anyone that is interested and is close to Moray I have set up a local bushcraft group. Its aimed to be a loose knit web of skill sharing and comradeship. We are adopting a similar set of rules as to those for this meet for everyones security. However, apart from these basic things- and the obligation that if you are learning something for free then you should be prepared to share it for free with others in the future- we are aiming to be as non-heirachical and relaxed as possible.
Look forward to meeting you all
All the best


Aug 22, 2011
Sounds good. Unfortunately I'm away to the Stormin' The Castle bike rally that weekend. Hope to get to the spring one.
Updated the first post with some bits from the other posts in here.

We will try and sort out meet-up times etc for everyone coming on the Friday.

The gate and fence that surrounded our area the last time is now gone, however this should not cause us any problems.

If possible, can people start confirming the days that they are likely to be coming as this helps us sort things out. If we have enough people and we are doing a group pot we will be putting up a food list similar to last time that people can put their names to, that way each of us brings something for the pot and helps reduce the cost. :)


Jan 28, 2009
Bumpity bump,

Thanks Andy mate,

Only a week and a half to go :)
Mark thanks for letting us know mate, keep us informed
bohdi you would be very welcome and I hope you can make it
damo like I said in my pm congrats and hope we see you next time

CBJ + 3 Fri- Sun
Pandabean +2 (TBC) Fri- Sun
Charles Fri-Sun
Pete Fri- Sun
Dingus Sun
Chance (TBC)
Ironside (TBC)
Calurix (TBC)
Nickrobo ( TBC)
mark (TBC)
Shambling Shaman (TBC)
mousey (TBC)
bohdi (TBC)

Like Andy says If you can confirm asap as I have to get the final numbers to the estate manager and I can finish the last few things off


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We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.