"mystery" belt

rancid badger

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
A few months ago I decided to have a go at a "mystery Belt" as seen in one of Al Stohlmans books on leatherworking: "leathercraft Tools"
Well honestly!, the basic instructions and diagrams got me going but I really have no idea how I got to the end:confused:
I became totally lost and kept going back a step or two, I think part of the problem was that I am a left hander and kept ending up in knots!
anyway up,this was the result:

the G.B. Wildlife Hatchet was there for a bit of scale but it mucks the photo up a bit-never mind.
The actual build or make up of the belt or rather the fact that its still all one piece of leather, not three straps joined up, I find fascinating.

Before anyone asks for more info on how to do it I will apologise in advance and admit that short of understanding that it is some form of plaiting, without the book to hand I don't think I could do it again!-:dunno:
I don't know, there may be a tutorial on here somewhere-either way if you fancy having a go at something a bit more interesting than a standard flat belt or hanger loop etc. get hold of the book or what ever and give it a go.
much more entertaining than a rubicks cube:naughty:

anyway just an idea for a little project for the weekend!
kind regards

rancid badger

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Nice work RB I like that a lot

I take it you`re not taking orders then :D


Hmm-well only from my darling wife!-
no honestly Shewie its amazing how the thing works, it would have made a hell of a video! I did it while everyone else was out which really was just as well because it had me arguing with myself-you know-actually talking away, asking questions such as; "how the hell?"-"nah, that cant be right!" and then; "Oh! right then!":D

John Fenna

Lifetime Member & Maker
Oct 7, 2006
A whole belt!
I have done short sections of this work (woggle, key fob etc) but a whole belt length!
How did you stay sane?
How did those around you stay sane?
Great work!

rancid badger

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Ah man, you just need to make sure every bxxxers out for a few hours!;)

it's a bit like switching off-you end up focusing on the job and then suddenly, it's starting to get dark! in the worst "episodes" I've been sitting in another world so long I can hardly get off the floor, then I have to stump around carefully till all my "bits" start talking to each other again.
I've just been tootling with a bit of scrap nubuck and have ended up with an 11 inch strap with 8 inches of plait-bxxxered if I know what to do with it:rolleyes: :D

The link that gorilla posted is full of really interesting stuff, not only for "how to" but for inspiration as well.

cheers chaps and chapettes


Jun 26, 2006
The braid should be made very tight at the top, so that when within a couple of inches of the bottom the braid becomes difficult to continue , the tightness in the upper part can be worked out and the braid distributed evenly thoughout.
Very nice belt keep trying . I like your axe mask.

rancid badger

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
The braid should be made very tight at the top, so that when within a couple of inches of the bottom the braid becomes difficult to continue , the tightness in the upper part can be worked out and the braid distributed evenly thoughout.
Very nice belt keep trying . I like your axe mask.
thanks for the advice, heres a couple of pictures of the mask;
this was another "doodle" I don't like the mask's supplied with the axes very much and making my own gives me a chance to experiment-the green colour was,I think, a bit of a mistake! although the 3mm columbo leather took a beautiful shine-until I dosed it with neats foot oil and the shine "went"


I didn't bother to rivet it either, simply glueing a welt of std 3mm veg tan and then treble stitching it.



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