My new website


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jan 18, 2009
Dark side of the Moon
looking good Adam, i have just made a site for myself, there is a link in my signature, i plan to upgarde when i get time though....;)

get some more pics up as soon as you can mate, i like the links page very usefull...


Thanks for the input as always.

Sideburnt: I can only access the css to view it, not edit it, unfortunately. This is the same with the html, until I upgrade it.

Cliv: Thanks buddy, trying to sort out another meet for the future, at the same site as the last one.

huffhuff: It's built using a builder called yola, which is a template based designer, with widgets and plugins.

lannyman8: Had a look at your site. Great site. Like the forge. Beats the hell outta my wok forge lol.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jan 18, 2009
Dark side of the Moon
its all a work in progress mate, the same as your site. my forge is a simple brick jobey ATM, im after a better forge air pump so i can start doing Damascum blades. i have lots chainsaw blades to make some up....;)

your sites good, i like the pic of your blade too, has a nice even shape to it....:)


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jan 18, 2009
Dark side of the Moon
you have to forge weld it together, when finished the 2 types of steel show as different colours in oval shapes through the blade, its just a bit more bling than normal blades, google it with images and you will see what its like...

its going to be my first time at using chainsaw blade though, we shall see how i get on, im sure i will post up if it turns into half;)


Jun 3, 2011
The second picture in the left column contains lots of knives and axes. It looks a bit like a gangstas knife collection, personally, I'd lose that. I reckon it's too much. Makes you look a bit like a warry knifey bloke. Just my thoughts though, if you saw that pic on a 17 years old Facebook you'd call the Police.

Nice site otherwise, it's good to have a project like this. I think I may develop a website.
The second picture in the left column contains lots of knives and axes. It looks a bit like a gangstas knife collection, personally, I'd lose that. I reckon it's too much. Makes you look a bit like a warry knifey bloke. Just my thoughts though, if you saw that pic on a 17 years old Facebook you'd call the Police.

Nice site otherwise, it's good to have a project like this. I think I may develop a website.

Thanks for the input, I was wondering a little about that pic myself. Besides, it's an old image so all the sharps are out of date now lol.

I find it gives me something to work on. Hopefully give a little help or advise to people, or even to give them a few ideas to come up with their own solutions. That is the ultimate goal of the exercise anyway.



Aug 13, 2011
Shrewsbury, UK
Looks nice :)

I'd lighten the background image a bit to improve contrast with the text - will make it easier to read for people with poorer eyesight.

The navigation links at the top get a bit lost. It's slightly unusual to have them above the main banner, but that's not a big deal. I'd have the top inch of the site be white, and then use the textured background after that. So there'd be a clear strip at the top which makes the navigation stand out more.

The blog is a nice part of the site, but the size of the images makes me lose the right column on my smaller screen. I have to scroll horizontally to see the 'about me' column. Size the images down and link to higher res versions.

Some captions on the videos might be nice.

On the homepage, I'd reorder the text so instead of going para 1: "The world in which....", para 2: "hello and welcome", para 3 "This site will", it instead goes 3-1-2 "The site will..", "the world in which...", "Welcome to.." - just because the first thing I want to know when visiting a site is what the site is - so tell me about the site, not the world. Attention spans on the net are very very low.

you could even have the tagline "My aim is to bring basic bushcraft skills and offer advice to all, FOR FREE." as a large heading at the top just under the main banner image. It's a great tagline and explains what the site is very clearly.

Look forward to seeing the site develop :)
Thanks for the input user24. I will try and juggle it around a little. The navigation pane has been brought up on another site, but sadly the site builder I am using, is very basic. I can't edit many of the panes, fonts, image position/size, but when 12 months has gone by, I can upgrade the site, giving greater control, such as HTML editing, etc. I will see if I can find a way around these issues...some how :).

Thanks again for the feedback. All suggestions and criticisms are much appreciated, good or bad.



We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.