My new basecamp (pic. heavy!)

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Oct 22, 2008
Sweden, Småland
My life has changed a bit resently and I needed to find a place to go to.
Idealy it would be located so I could drive the dogs from home to the place, light a fire, spend the night and if possible by a lake.
Some mapstudying and car recceing gave a few possible options and then I found this place.
It's only 4 kilometres from home so it is a nice walk but I can also make a detour if I'm training the dogs so they are nice and exercised when we get there.
Today was very rainy but I spent a few hours cleaning the place up and getting it ready for my future use.

The loggingroad ends and a small path leads in through the young regrowth. The sign says that a fishingpermit kan be bought at a few adresses.
Most of the young birch is soon to be cleared to allow the conifers to develop so with the landowners permission there is an abundace of bushcraft material!

The spruce thickens to a "doorway" leading to an old, very slippery bridge across a stream.
"Only the rightous may pass!"

The young forest is replaced by much older scots pine.

At the end of the trail there is an old fishing campsite.
There hasn't been a fire made at least this year and the state of the small rowingboats moored to the lakeshore tells me that this place is seldom used anymore.

There is also an old lean to but the wood was rotten and the tarp was destroyed by age.
I cleaned up the area from old beercans, singel use barbecues and other rubbish as well as the old tarps (I found two more embedded in the ground) but I kept the ridge for my future use.

The couple of acres closest to the site have a special appearance. The trees are quite old and the many deadfalls tell me that the area has not been affected by modern forestry for quite some time. This means that the area is a key habitat for threatened species that need lack of disturbance and coarse dead wood to survive. This means that I must be careful not to damage the habitat and firewood and bushcraft material must be gathered further away.

For this reason, and to not deplete the area which I plan to use a lot, I carried in a load of firewood from home.
Note to self: Firewood is heavier than it looks!

This should last a couple of long, nordic, autumn nights.

My future morning wiew from under the tarp.

To the west the site borders on a large, forested mire.

A walk along the shore.

I think I will spend many good hours here.

Where it is?
I wont tell. ;)


Oct 6, 2008
Looks very nice indeed. I allways liked Småland though, so im a bit biased on that account.

Have you rented or bought that piece of land, or simply putting allemandsretten to use?

Wich reminds me of something else. I'm planning a trip to Småland or surroundings for my older scouts (12-18 years) in about 2 years time. Might need your help on that if you will spare me some time.


Dec 15, 2005
Huh not fair !

Great find Husky, are you going to build a more permanent shelter or will you knock something up each time you go ?

I`m so jealous, you`re very lucky to live in a place like that.


Feb 15, 2005
Silkstone, Blighty!
I carried wood on an LK35 frame earlier this year, back breaking isn't it! You should load up a canoe and paddle across, either way it's a fantastic area and I hope people stay away for you.


May 16, 2006
North Yorkshire
Lovely place to spend a night.

I was a bit dismayed that you had to clean up beer can and disposable BBQ's :eek:

I was of the understanding that people in your country were much more respectful of the outdoors?


Full Member
Jan 14, 2006
If it wasn't for SWMBO i would not think twice about moving to sweden!! :rolleyes:

Great little spot mate. Make sure you use it as much as possible!!;)



Oct 6, 2008
I was of the understanding that people in your country were much more respectful of the outdoors?

Generally they do. Aswell as any visitor in the country.
But then again, you do get the odd location where the local teens tend to hang out, even when its in the middle of nowhere.
Quite annoying really.


Oct 22, 2008
Sweden, Småland
Actually this kind of place is abundant in sweden.
I was just lucky to find a very nice one close to home.

I'm using "allemansrätten" (I would rather it was called it "all mans responsibilitys") to stay one night at a time but I'm sure if I ask the landowner I can use it as much as I want. I'll ask at the same time as I pay for the fishinglicens.
I'll give you and your scouts any help I can. Just send me a PM and we can work out what I can do for you.

I plan on just puting up a tarp when I want to stay the night.
I'm interested in the "hammock thing" but the dogs love me sleeping on the ground with them. It's something to do with the whole pack resting together like wolves do.

Actually I was surprised how little rubish there was. 10 boats, some so old they were grown over with moss, and 3 spent tarps indicate that once upon a time the place was well used. Probably by the landowners and their kids but the kids grow up and you only go there to catch a fish and have a beer once in a while, maybe on a crayfishfishing (is that a word?) night.

Dan 1982
What is SWMBO??

I'll be sure to post some pics as soon as I spend some time there.
If anyone is visiting this area I just might show you to the place if you know the secret password.
You introduce yourself with your forumname and I will say "winter was late last year" to wich you reply "***************". :cool:


Oct 6, 2008
I'm using "allemansrätten" (I would rather it was called it "all mans responsibilitys") to stay one night at a time but I'm sure if I ask the landowner I can use it as much as I want. I'll ask at the same time as I pay for the fishinglicens.
I'll give you and your scouts any help I can. Just send me a PM and we can work out what I can do for you.

I Thought you were, but then again, you never know do you ;)

Great. i'll hold you up on that when time comes. I'll first have to get them lazy buggers in shape :rolleyes:


Jan 1, 1970
great site you have there, just hope any visitors treat it with as much respect as u do

swmbo is someone who must be obeyed, usually a wife


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.