Mushrooms found by Loch Ech, IDing?


Jun 5, 2007
Hia one n all,

Was out today exploring the Paper Caves beside Loch Eck, today, unfortunately the pictures of inside were not very good. I may post some up if I can get them tweeked enough.

On the way back down, we found a few interesting mushrooms. At first I thought some were Chanterelles, but now believe them to be False Chanterelles. Found a large brown one, and half suspected it to be not very nice, on returning home I cut it open and it discoloured very quickly, with a blue/black inky colour forming. The final one was what I think may be an Oyster mushroom.

One of the patches of the yellow chappies. They varied in size from being not much bigger than a ten pence piece to a couple of inches across. The pictures here are somewhat brighter than in real life, where they are much more orange. The gills are too small, I think for them to be Chanterelles, and going by most of the pictures I can find online, seem to point me towards false ones. Jack o lantern is a possibility but most pics seem to suggest not. The stem is not hollow, and there is no scent from it. Am currently waiting to see if I get a spore print.

Interestingly, now they are on a big screen, the picture below seems to show different gills than the second picture.. Hmmm IF that is correct, I'm going to guess and say the first pic may indeed be chanterelles.



This the nasty one, that we don't know the name of. From above it looks a little like a Penny Bun, but the stalk is certainly not, and as mentioned above turned a nasty colour when cut.

From the side:

And the discolourisation:

One of the patches of possible Oysters. They were growing on dead stumps, so couldn't ID the trees. Must have saw around half a dozen patches of them, and there were quite a lot in each patch.



Aug 19, 2008
East lothian
Hi Nag,

I am by no means an authority in such fungi matters but here is my 2p worth.

I think the first ones are chanterelle. False chanterelle have real gills and those ones look like wrinkles to me. The famous apricot smell of chanterelle is is a bit exagerated IMHO, the smell is there but very faint :rolleyes:

The second one, i'm fairly sure is the orange birch bolete although i couldn't make out if it had pores instead of gills from the pics. Everything else points to the orange birch though.

The third one i think you have right (or at least i agree with you) as some kind of oyster - not sure which. It's all in the difference in stems with these dudes. It should have lilac spores (if i remember correctly) ;)

Anyways, if thats all correct, and i would wait for more replies, then you have found yourself some good tasty food there. Well, some folk are not so fond of the orange birch bolete but i love all free food that doesn't kill me :D



Jun 5, 2007
Thanks for that, :) Is it usual for that to stain blue / black when cut though? The stuff I've read elsewhere doesn't mention any staining.

The more I look at the first pic, the more I tend to think it's Chanterelles unlike the the one below it, which I'm 100% sure aren't.

Certainly any other advice would be welcome.. :eek: Mushrooms are certainly an area I've not really explored before :rolleyes:


Aug 19, 2008
East lothian
Hi mate, no worries. I'm loving learing about the mushroom world at the moment although it's a very steep learing curve!!!:eek:

The orange birch botele is in the leccinum family and John Wright (River cottage mushroom book) says this of them "do not worry about their tendency to go various shades of greens, pinks and blacks when cut - they are just trying to frighten you".
It's the pores rather than gills and the makings on the stem that give this genus away. I've eaten one myself and it was ok, not great but fine. As i said earlier, it was free so i loved it!!!

I'm still fairly sure that all the pics before the leccinum are chanterelles but i am reluctant to be more positive as i cant see them in the flesh so to speak. I beleive that the jack o lanturns (you mentioned in the first post) do not grow here (again not sure about that but i read it somewhere) so the only real danger is the false chanterelle which has real gills rather than foldy type wrinkles. The colour is a bit different too but that only useful if you have some of each to compare.

I found Chanterlles by the kilo quite recently but was with someone who's been doing it for years (he's still alive so i trust him). They can be quite different in shape and size and even in shades but of course when in doubt dinnae eat it....

Meant to ask where in Ayreshire you are? Was near Catrine today and picked up 3 giant puffballs :lmao: :D :lmao:



Jun 5, 2007
Cheers, aye the gills in those photos certainly resemble the gills in the first pic of mine, but not the other two. I know they aren't too clear but the first pic certainly has larger spaces in between the gills and appear more like wrinkles. The second and third 'chanterelle' pics (especially the third, beside the knife) show much closer gills and less wrinkle effect.

does anyone know if Jack o Lantern grows in the UK, and if so how prolific is it? Most pics of JoL are quite different to most of the Chanterelles, but a few are the same, and I guess thats the rub of mushrooming, isn't it? The same type of 'shroom can look so different compared to the same ones of it's kind - a bit like people :p.

Was meant to go shroom hunting yesterday, but bibibabe wasn't altogether keen to go, and fell off a small wooden bridge and did herself a nasty injury just to stop from going..:lmao:Maybe again soon.. ;)

EDIT: Got any pics from the top down? That way I could compare to mine?


Aug 19, 2008
East lothian
I know what you mean about pictures mate - it's enough to drive you mental.
Afraid i dont have any pics of them from the top down but good luck with the rest of your adventures.


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