Try adding -cancer as part of the search string. Will remove all the search results with 'cancer' mentioned.
Hi Colin, I knew about them but they don't really fit the OP's question, Dad and two uncles were in the army in WW2 and step dad was RAF WW2 but I only remember mom talking about them to be honest. Ration history is one of my more obscure interests (WW2 in general to); my lad did a School project on them so he is as bad as me

So, I've 'come out', Richard is a bit of a ration geek. Being born only eight years after the war ended with family all in the forces, me playing on the 'bombers' (bomb sites in brum) and instead of having cowboy outfits we used ex army kit which was all over the place from the shed to the Anderson shelter, tin hats, leather jerkins, battle dress, berets, ruck sacks, gas masks/case, mess tins, billy cans, primus stoves para smocks (wish I had those now they would fund two weeks in the sun) etc. I just about remember mom clearing out a load of canned stuff from her moms, meat, coffee, fruit that mom acquired from a war time dalliance with a USAF guy she had a fling with. Story has it that a jeep full of food turned up at gran's and she hid it all over the place because hoarding was against the law back then, up the chimney, under the floor boards and up in the loft. I also remember dad coming home with a case load of canned Players cigarettes, 50 to a tin around 1968 (one of the Apollo missions was on telly and I opened a can for him) he'd got from somewhere which he happily puffed away.
There are one or two really good sites about American army rations from the Civil War through to MRE's.
Sorry for the thread drift.